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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:43

       On 15th December 2017 in Hanoi dissemination workshop on the circular 39/2017 / TT-BYT guiding on the basic health service package for grassroots level was taken place. Attending the workshop there were Assoc. Prof.Dr. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health; Mr. Michael Greene - Director of USAID in Vietnam; representatives from the committee of social issues, the National Assembly; Government Office;Vietnam Health Insurance; Ministry of Finance; MOH Departments and Institutes; Vietnam General Medical Association, Vietnam Health Economics Association; International organizations (USAID, WB, JICA...).

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health delivered the opening speech at the workshop

Speaking at the workshop, Deputy Minister Pham Le Tuan emphasized: Vietnam is trying to pursue the goal of universal health care coverage in three aspects (the rate of the population participating in health insurance, the coverage of service supply and the decrease of the health expenses paid by households). This would be a big challenge for MOH in context of limited financial resources. The Ministry of Health needs the active paricipation of organizations, institutions and policy makers, international organizations, national and international experts so that the Circular could be efective in improving the quality and effectiveness of health operation at grassroots level.

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Mr. Michael Greene - Director of USAID in Vietnam delivered his speech at the workshop

       There are 7 articles in the Circular stipulating the basic health service package including: basic health service package covered by the health insurance fund including services and techniques for medical examination and treatment applied at the commune level; basic health service package for primary health care, prevention and health promotion. Basic health service packages are updated periodically from 01 to 02 years or unexpectedly upon request.

       All people have the right to access 76 basic health services and attached 241 categories of drugs to reduce the burden for higher level hospitals and costs for patients. Implement these basic health service packages would be the driving force for the health at grassroots level, especially health stations at communes, wards and towns to improve their professional capacity.

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Overview of the workshop

       The Circular also specifies the level of payment for health services according to different service packages. In details, for basic health service packages covered by health insurance fund: the prices of medicines, medical supplies and technical services are followed by the regulations of the law on health insurance and Joint Circular No. 37/2015 / TTLT. If participants in health insurance use the health services of this package are entitled to benefits and benefit levels under the regulations of the law on health insurance and this Circular, the remaining technical services, medicines, medical supplies and other benefits will be paid by social insurance agencie in accordance with the law on health insurance.

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