Lên đầu trang
Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:27


On 30th March 2020, the Ministry of Health organized an online conference on improving the quality of grassroots health in controlling COVID-19. Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen chaired the link-ups at the Ministry of Health. At 700 link-ups at grassroots level, there were representatives of leaders and experts from the provincial / city People's Committees; Leaders and experts from Department of Health and provincial / city health units; Leaders and experts from Health Insurance  in provinces / cities directly under the Central Government.

At the Conference, MOH Departments of Medical Services, Preventive Medicine, Environmental Health Management provided information and detailed instructions on  monitoring and preventing COVID-19 at the grassroot level. The training contents at the Conference: there was no confirmed cases recorded in the province / city; there was confirmed cases and yet widespread ones in the community in the province or city; epidemics spread widely in the community; sampling, storing and transporting samples; preventive measures: Non-specific disease prevention; Isolation and medical treatment; Infection prevention for health workers as well as instructions for medical isolation at home, hostelry; Health review of people from abroad, epidemic areas ...

Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen proposed that people at risk of infection should be detected rapidly and they shouldn't be mised by health at grassroots level. Isolation measures are carried out strictly to prevent the outbreak to spread to the community. Four principles on the spot should be followed strictly: command on-the-spot, forces on-the-spot, means on-the-spot, logistics on-the-spot. In order to do a good job of preventing and fighting against epidemic, the Ministry of Health requests health at grassroots level to set up epidemic control teams in coordination with local authorities in reviewing and monitoring health situation of every citizen in the area. Health situation and report on people returning home from abroad in accordance with Official Letter No. 1727 / CV-BCD should be reviewed and monitored by the localities. Deputy Minister Do Xuan Tuyen also suggested that these teams inform the people about COVID-19 control in the current situation, advise them to follow the right level for medical services, and not to break the rule for medical services at the wrong level during the epidemic.

Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen also required that cases in the localities related to Bach Mai Hospital must be monitored closely by health at grassroots level. Patients transferred to a local health facility must be isolated and treated at that facility. Medical monitor should be caried out toward thosewho had contacts with these people at their houses daily and reported under the requirement.


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