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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:21

       Every citizen needs to join hands for COVID-19 Control by doing the following guidelines: limit contact ; keep distance, wear mask; wash hands regularly; keep house clean; make medical declaration.


On 25th Mar 2020,at the meeting of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Control, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam asked the people to follow the instructions of specialized agencies in order to show their responsibility for their health, even their lives, others' lives, the community, the country.

In the spirit of solidarity "fighting against epidemics like fighting against the enemy", good results have been achieved in phase 1 and the epidemic has been currently controlled. Although we are considered as the country at a very high risk with a large population, there isn't any deaths, the number of infected people ranks approximately 80 in the world.

However, we are in "a position of being hit from inside and outside". In the world, the epidemic has been happening in very fast, complicated and unpredictable way. In many countries that health and economy developed more than us, tens of thousands of people have been infected, hundreds, even thousands of people died. The health and lives of the people regardless of skin color, nationality, age, gender, in rural or urban areas have been threatened by the epidemic.

The epidemic is not far away from us but it is close to everyone and every country. Anyone can be infected and become a source of infection to others if they do not follow the strict regulations of the State and the guidance of the Health Sector. On the contrary, if we folow the instructions, we will not be infected and the country will control the epidemic as well as it was done in stage 1.

This is the time we need to be highly focused, to prevent the epidemic from spreading.


There are many regulations and guidelines with detailed instructions from the Politburo, the Secretariat, the Government, the Prime Minister, the Steering Committee and the Ministry of Health. We must promote the spirit of discipline and sense of responsibility.

Regulations and directives of the Prime Minister, the authorities must be strictly followed. If anyone does not follow, he or she must be strictly punished and strongly condemned.

The people must show their responsibility for their health, even their lives, others' lives, the community, the country.


The Deputy Prime Minister suggested that the people should follow the instructions of professional agencies, even they have to change their habits that bring them inconvenience. Some points should be noted carefully:


1. Limit outside contact. Going out in case of imergency; 

2. Wear mask, keep the safe distance (2m);

3. Wash hands regularly with soap or an antiseptic solution.

4. Keep house clean and clear;

5. Make medical declarations, update daily health situation, keep regular contact with health workers and health facilities.

In short, each citizen should remember and follow these words:

Outside contact restriction

Distance, mask

Regular hand washing

House cleaning

Medical declaration

"Doing well the instructions, strictly obeying the instructions, we will definitely repel and win the disease", Deputy Prime Minister said.

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