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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:22

       After the visit to France, Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien continued to visit Poland on 20th June 2018. The visit aimed to open new opportunities in health cooperation between the two countries in the context of international integration and renewal of the health system; strengthen the fine traditional relationship started in 1970s of the 20th century with the detail supports Vietnam got from Poland as folows: Vietnam - Poland friendship hospital in Vinh City, Nghe An Province built in 1980s of the 20th century and the training of doctors for Vietnam in1970s and 1980s of the 20th century.

       In the working time in Poland, Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien had a talk with Poland Minister of Health, President of the pharmaceutical and medical equipment management agency. Then she visited the Poland Army Hospital to investigate models of primary health care, medical and pharmaceutical product management and discussed opportunities to promote health cooperation between the two countries in the coming time.

       In the talk with Poland Minister of Health Dr. Łukasz Szumowski, the two sides have exchanged and agreed with the priority policy  in the coming time including to strengthen primary health care, promote health and prevention according to the principles of family medicine for medicine at grass roots level.

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       In Poland, primary health care follows the model of family doctors with about 10,000 clinics of family doctors based on the number of the population choose famiy doctors, not the geographical area. Typically, each family doctor will be in charge of about 2500 patients, a pediatrician will be in charge of 1500 children, a nurse will be in charge of 2500 patients, a midwife will be in charge of 660 patients and a school nurse will be in charge of 700 students. The people in Poland have medical insurance and medical services are totally paid except for some medications and services such as orthopedic surgery in which the people have to pay together. Payment is made based on cases.

       The health system in Poland is divided into 4 levels: Level 0: improve health and strengthen health care awareness of  the people themselves; Level 1: primary care and preventive activities; Level 2: health care atoutpatient clinics and grass root level hospitals; Level 3: intensive care at the leading specialized hospitals and Medical University Hospitals.

       In addition, the two sides also shared the concerned issues such as health insurance, bidding, negotiation of drug prices, reduction of the overload on hospitals (in Poland, except for emergency cases, the surgery appointment is in the waiting at least 6 months. And patients have to wait for 20 hours if they are in emergency condition but the condition is not so serious.), transfer to the higher level, food safety, health human resources training.

       On this occasion, Vietnam Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien invited Poland Minister of Health to visit Vietnam, and he accepted her invitation to visit Vietnam on an appropriate time in the future.

       Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien visited Poland agency of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment management. This is an independent body directly under the Government. It is appointed by the Prime Minister based on the nomination of Minister of Health. At the meeting, the partner appreciated the tradition of cooperation in pharmacy between the two countries, especially Paland supplied pharmaceutical products for Vietnam in 1960s and 1970s of the 20th century and signed a memorandum of cooperation in pharmaceutical products in May 2017. After signing the memorandum, the two countries initiated activities to exchange information and cooperation for strengthening the effective registration and management of drugs, collaborating on research in clinical trials and drug quality assurance. The two sides agreed to promote cooperation in the fields such as pharma covigilance, clinical trials, drug safety and drug inspection in the coming time. 
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 MOH delegation visited Poland agency of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment management

       Organization of medical management in Poland is different from Vietnam in some points: Agencies of health insurance management, technology assessment, pharmacy inspection, drug control are directly under Ministry of Health but the Agency of pharmaceutical product management and medical equipment is independent of Ministry of Health.

       In the time in Poland, Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien visited Polish Poland Army Hospital, a medical institution under Poland Ministry of Defence. This is the leading medical institution in level 3 (intensive care) in Poland that has strength in cancer diagnosis and treatment, surgery and cardiology intervention. Bedise intensive services, Poland Army Hospital provides primary health care services through the family doctor clinic of the hospital. Vietnam can think about this model to link primary health care with intensive care in the hospital.

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       MOH delegation visited Poland Army Hospital

       Bilateral visit to Poland of Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien was very successful and it opened new cooperation prospects in the health sector between the two countries in the future.

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