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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:25


       On 8th Mar 2020, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam - Head of COVID-19 Control Steering Committee directly visited and checked the Center for online management and administration of professional support, diagnostics, COVID-19 treatment at Medical Service Administration, Ministry of Health (MOH).

       The Deputy Prime Minister directed the epidemic control to National Hospital for Tropical Diseases No2. Joining in the operation there were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - MOH Standing Deputy Minister, Deputy Head of Steering Committee; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue - Director of Medical Service Administration, Deputy Head of Treatment Sub-Committee.


On the side of National Hospital of Tropical Diseases No2 there were Dr. Nguyen Trung Cap, Specialty Grade 2 - Head of the Emergency Department and the health workers.

At National Hospital for Tropical Diseases No2, there were nine COVID-19 patients, including five patients from Hanoi and four patients from Quang Ninh.

The youngest patient is 27 years old, the oldest one is 74 years old; 2 patients had a history of hypertension. The state of the patients was stable and they had no fever.

Through the screen, Deputy Prime Minister and MOH leaders praised and encouraged the hospital health workers who have made every effort to care for and treat patients. The Deputy Prime Minister asked the hospital to monitor patients closely to prevent cross-contagious in the hospital.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue - Director of Health Service Administration, Deputy Head of the Treatment Sub-Committee suggested that the patient's situation must be  monitored closely and patients with other accompanying symptoms should be noted. Patients should be guided with mobilization and rehabilitation. It is neccessary to encourage patients to cooperate and coordinate in treatment for early recovery and discharge from the hospital.

At the Center, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Vu Nam - Director of National Hospital of Traditional Medicine also reported a case working as a nurse in the hospital whose husband works at the hotel managed by patient No17.

Isolation measures for the nurse and her family were carried out by the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine has implemented. Through the test, her husband has a negative result.

On 5th March 2020, the online Center for management and administration of professional support, diagnostics, COVID-19 treatment at Medical Service Administration, Ministry of Health (MOH) was officially opened. 

The Center functions to manage resources and professional activities to support medical clinics in collecting, isolating, diagnosing and treating COVID-19 patients directly or remotely via information technology and telecommunications.

The Center was established under Decision No. 771 / QD-BYT dated 4th March 2020 and it is under the Medical Service Administration.

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