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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:25

       On 24th June 24 2018, the festival "Move for my healthy lung" was organized in Hanoi by TB Control Program - Central Lung Hospital to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the Central Lung Hospital (24th June 1957 - 24th June 2018); promote the movement "All the people do exercises following Uncle Ho's example"; strengthen health physique for the community; mobilize, communicate, improve knowledge of pulmonary health for the people.

       Attending the festival there were Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Chairwoman of Vietnam Women's Union; Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien, PhD -  Standing Deputy Minister of Health; representatives of MOH departments/institutes, Vietnam Women's Union, Vietnam General Medical Association, Vietnam Health Union; representatives of the related ministries, branches and unions; TB  control partners; doctors specialized in tuberculosis and lung disease of the Central Lung Hospital and the provinces and cities in the North; the press and media in the central and Hanoi; and 1,500 volunteers.

24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 1.jpg
Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien, PhD - Standing Deputy Minister of Health delivered his speech at the festival

       Speaking at the festival Prof.Nguyen Viet Tien, PhD - Deputy Minister of Health highly appreciated and praised the achievements of TB specialization and Lung Disease from the central to local levels in TB control during the past time.

       He also said that hundreds of thousands of new TB sufferers have been detected and treated, people with TB and tens of thousands of people with TB have been cured every year despite of the faster decrease of tuberculosis. In addition, the health sector is facing the challenge of responding to the changing disease patterns toward increased non-communicable diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, bronchial asthma, hypertension, diabetes, aging, climate change, and many new socio-economic factors thast affect health. On this occasion, he called on the people to respond to the "Move for my healthy lung": move to change thinking, move to be against stigma or insecurity of tuberculosis, move to improve health. All is to accompany with the health sector to remove TB.

24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 2.jpg
Overview of the festival

The festival "Move for my healthy lung" was held  in one day at Ly Thai To flower garden and Ho Guom walking street. Through this event, TB Control Program - Central Lung Hospital wished to mobilize all levels of government, departments, unions, socio-political organizations, enterprises ... and the community to support the "Fund for patients cured from TB". It is known that the this was a social, charitable, non-profit fund that supports caring, preventing and treating patietns with tuberculosis patients, people affected by tuberculosis and it had a nationwide coverage. The basic goal of the Fund is to provide financial support to purchase health insurance TB patients who do not have health insurance, to help cover the cost mutually paid for all TB patients during their treatment and support difficult cases so that all people can be diagnosed early and treated for tuberculosis. Control the spread to the community and remove TB.

Some pictures at the festival

24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 3.jpg
24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 4.jpg
24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 5.jpg
24.6.2018. Ngày hội chạy bộ thứ trưởng tiến 6.jpg

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