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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:35

       With the consent of the Prime Minister, MOH delegation led by Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien had a bilateral visit to Republic of France from 13th - 17th June 2018. The purpose of the visit was to concretize the contents consistent in the official visit of General Secretary Nguyen Phu trong to the Republic of France in March 2018 in which the health sector is considered one of the main pillars in cooperation between the two countries. Especially, this visit was taken place in the context the two countries celebrated 45 years of Vietnam-France diplomatic relation with  and 25 years of signing agreement on health cooperation between the two Governments.

       Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien had a bilateral talk with Mrs. Agnes Buzyn - Minister of Health and Solidarity of the Republic of France on 14th June 2018, . The two Ministers highly appreciated the traditional history of medical cooperation between the two countries and noted the cooperation results achieved in the health sector in the past, especially the support of the Republic of France in training for Vietnam over 3,000 resident physicians in France and 1,500 postgraduate doctors in Vietnam. The trained doctors have become professors, excellent doctors, leading health experts and many of them are the key leaders in Vietnam Health Sector. Besides, preventive medicine and public health are also important in the cooperation between the two sides. Typically, the cooperation between the Pasteur Institutes of Vietnam with the network of the Pasteur Institute of France in controlling the dangerous diseases such as SARS, H5N1, H1N1, and emerging infectious diseases such as measles, dengue, hand foot mouth. In addition, the two Ministers also discussed the prospects of medical cooperation in the coming time in the context of desease models and the risk factors have been changing and creating new challenges for the health sector of the two countries. 

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MOH delegation and French Minister of Health and Solidarity

       On this occasion, the two Ministers signed a letter of intent betweenVietnam Ministry of Health and Frnce Ministry of Health and Solidarity in the field of health, in which the two sides agreed to promote cooperation in four fields including :

1. Medical human resource training for Vietnam especially training doctors and medical staffs, health managers and leaders, health inspectors, hospital management and care for the elderly;

2. Infectious disease control, focus on the control of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis viruses and other emerging infectious diseases;

3. Public health and preventive medicine, especially control the risk factors such as smoking and addictive substances, mental health for children and adolescents, the problem of antibiotic resistance;

4. Develop policies and legal framework for blood transmission and organ transplant.  

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The two Ministers signed a letter of intent on medical cooperation between the two Ministries

       On 15th June 2018 MOH delegation attended Vietnam-France health workshop organized by Vietnam Embassy in France and France-Vietnam Medical Association. At the workshop there were 250 delegates including professors, doctors, leading scientific researchers of France and Vietnam. Speaking at the opening ceremony Vietnam Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien stressed the significance of medical cooperation between the two countries and affirmed that the results of this cooperation has supported strongly for Vietnam Health System in particular and health care for the people in Vietnam in general and contributing; and tightened the friendship and cooperation between the two countries throughout the years. The reports at the workshop were as includes: French experts talked about the history of the France-Vietnam cooperation between 1819-1945; the beginning and development of France-Vietnam modern medicine cooperation; the fight against infectious diseases in Vietnam (HIV/AIDS and hepatitis viruses). 
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Vietnam Minister of Health delivered her speech at the opening ceremony

       In the afternoon discussion session, Vietnam delegation had presentation of achievements in Vietnam Health Sector and the priorities of Vietnam Health Sector in coming time. These were highly appreciated at the workshop. Besides, the achevement from France-Vietnam medical cooperation relationship in training doctors and pharmacists, scientific research, pharmaceutical products shared at the workshop by France-Vietnam medical experts, scientists and medical managers.

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Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien and MOH delegation at France-Vietnam medical workshop organized at Sorbone University

       On this occasion, Vietnam Ministry of Health in collaboration with Vietnam Embassy in France organized a cozy and solemn ceremony to award Medals "For the people's health" for 30 Vietnamese French professors, doctors, experts who have had contributions to the task of health care for Vietnam people at Vietnam Embassy in France. Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Nguyen Thiep and Vietnam Minister of Health identified that Vietnam-France health cooperation has been a longstanding cooperation that has been comprehensive and effective  and this was the occasion for Vietnam Health Sector to express thanksfulness to the contribution and dedication of France medical officers for the development of Vietnam Health Sector in particular and Vietnam people's health care in general. 

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Minister of Health awarded Medals "For people's health" for France experts

       During the visit in France, MOH delegation visited French National Health Agency. This is an independent organization approved by the French President with a focus on three tasks:

1. Evaluate medical techniques;

2. Determine the technical procedures based on standard procedures;

3. Evaluate to recognize medical institutions and issue certificates for medical practitioners and for clinics.

       The two sides have also agreed to enhance cooperation in improving capacity exchanging expertise between institutions of the two sides.

       The delegation also visited and worked at France National Blood Center. At this center Minister of Health and the delegation witnessed the signing ceremony of the letter of intent of cooperation between Vietnam Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and France National Blood Center in the field of blood transfusion. The letter of intent will create conditions for Vietnam to improve the self-blood supply, blood donation and blood products with short shelf life, ensurance on the microbiology safety for donated blood. 
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Signing ceremony of the letter of intent between Vietnam Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and France Central National Blood Centre

       The Minister and the delegation was visiting and working with at the Pasteur Institute of Paris to strengthen cooperation between the Pasteur Institute of Paris and the Pasteur Institute in Vietnam for disease prevention, HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis and hepatitis C Virus, as well as emerging infectious diseases. Here, the delegation visited the Memorial House of Louis Pasteur and heard biography, life and career. The two sides also had talks to discuss deeper cooperation content helps strengthen the preventative medicine networks between the two countries.

       MOH delegation also visited Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, the leading specialized hospital in France both in terms of scale and expertise technique. The hospital has 90 buildings on an area of 33 hectares with a lot of well-known centers for research and clinical trials. And the delegation visited Research Institute for brain and spinal cord (ICM), the leading institution on the world in this field. Here, the delegation visited and discovered the model of the day light center for medical services in the hospital. Minister of Health also appreciated the effectiveness of this model and considered it to be a model should be follow by Vietnam to reduce the time of patient for medical services and improve the quality of medical services.

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A visit to the day light centre of medical services


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Paris Health Department presented hospital network in Paris


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Research Institute for brain and spinal cord

       During the working time in Paris, the delegation of Hanoi Medical University and K Hospital had the talks and signed the agreement of cooperation in teaching and academic research between Hanoi Medical University and Paris University including exchange of experts, development of general research, Ph.D. student training, dual degree licience and exchange of students.

       After leaving Paris, the delegation came to Bordeux and worked with ISPED Institute of Bordeux 2 University and visited Bordeux University Hospital on the campus of Bordeux University. Here, the professors of ISPED Institute shared new research directions of Institute focus on public health and preventive medicine. The delegates listened and discussed with experts about strengthening preventive medicine in organizing and deploying hospital operations and inovation to establish "department in charge of supporting preventive activities" in the hospital. 

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Minister of Health at the meeting with ISPED Institute, University of Bordeux 2

       At Bordeux University Hospital, one of the largest teaching Hospital in France, the delegation investigated organization model of the hospital and the wards; and the experience of establishing the hospital Council as well as the mechanism of operation and finance for public hospitals.

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Working at Bordeux University Hospital


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A visit to Bordeux University Hospital

       MOH delegation received the support and active collaboration of Vietnam Embassy in France, France Embassy in Vietnam and France Ministry of Health and Solidarity during the time the delegation was in France. The visit of MOH delegation was very successful. That contributed the 45-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries and increased the level of medical cooperation between the two countries .

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