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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:34

       On 15th December 2017 in Hanoi, an online training conference on guidelines for evaluating patients' satisfaction was organized by MOH. Attending the online conference on the side of the participants in Hanoi there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health; MOH representatives of leaders and specialists of departments, institutes and offices; leaders of MOH hospitals; Central and Hanoi TV companies and news agencies. On the side of participants in 63 prvinces and cities directly under the central government  there were representatives from hospitals under the management of Health Deaprtments and MOH.

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Assoc. Prof.Dr. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health delivered the opening speech at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health emphasized: Renovate style and attitudes towards patients is an urgent and important issue and a measure that reflects the development of the health sector and its health institution.

For the aim of raising the morale and attitudes of health workers; building the green, clean and beautiful health institutions; improving the quality of activities at medical examination and treatment institutions towards patients' satisfaction in the coming time, Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan suggested: hospitals directly under the Ministry of Health, hospitals directly under MOH institutes and universities should organize their self- assessment and grade. Then the inspection at a general hospital at provincal level  and one more specialized hospital directly under Health Department should be carried out under the decision of MOH. At the same time the health institutions should have extensive propaganda in various forms and carry out perfectly the renovation content of the style and attitude of health workers as well as construct the green, clean, beautiful health institutions. The propagation and explanation for the people and patients should be implemented including their rights and obligations when they have medical examination and treatment; the hospital rules and regulations; their respect for health workers; bad behavior for health workers; their responsibility for a green, clean and beautiful hospital environment. It is essential to have inspection to praise the good individuals and groups as well as punish the bad ones.

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Overview of the conference

Deputy Minister Pham Le Tuan hoped that through this conference, delegates would discuss, understand the content and guidelines of the Ministry of Health as well as agree on how to organize and implement assessment and measurement according to the specific criteria. They should discuss measures implemented suitably in their institutions.


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Dr. Pham Van Tac - Director of  MOH Personnel Department presented the Plan 1333 / KH-BYT to implement the measurement of patients' satisfaction.

At the conference, Dr Pham Van Tac - Director of Personnel Department, Ministry of Health said that from 15th December 2017 to 27th February 2018 measuring and evaluating patients' satisfaction based on health workers' style  and attitutes and hospital quality should be implemented by MOH at general hospitals and specialized hospitals at provincial level in 63 provinces and cities and 37 central hospitals across the country.

The Ministry of Health developed and promulgated the criteria for marking the implementation of "Renovating the style and attitudes of health workers, building green, clean, beautiful health institutions for patients' satisfaction" in 2017 in which patients' satisfaction are emphasized according to the five current categories of criteria: access indicators; indicators on clear information and administrative procedures; indicators on facilities; indicators of medical staffs; indicators of service supply results. And a number of specific criteria for health services are added including patients' satisfaction and opinion about jointly paying for the cost of technique, medicinesin health services of patients with health insurance.

Results of evaluation and appraisal are publicly disclosed, hospitals that have achieved excellent results in implementing the style and attitude of health workers and building the green, clean, beautiful health institutions in 2017 would be recognized and announced on the occasion of the Vietnam Doctor's Day on 27 February 2018./.


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