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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:41

This is confirmed by Marie-Odile Emond, Director of UNAIDS in Vietnam at launching ceremony for the national month of action and World AIDS Day in 2017 organized by the Hanoi People's Committee at My Dinh National Convention Center on 22nd November 2017.

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Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Deputy Minister of Minister of Health at the launching ceremony

Attending the ceremony there were Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Vice Minister of MOH, Member of the National Committee for HIV / AIDS Control and Drug and Prostitution Control; Mr. Le Hong Son, Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee - Head of board for HIV / AIDS Control and Drug and Prostitution Control in Hanoi; Mrs. Marie-Odile Emond - Director of UNAIDS in Vietnam; representatives of international organizations in Vietnam; leaders of Departments of the Ministry of Health; representatives of departments, districts, and people of the capital.

Speaking at the ceremony Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Deputy Minister of MOH acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of Hanoi city  in directing and supporting the activities of  HIV / AIDS control in recent years. In response to the 90-90-90 goal that the UN has launched globally, Prf.Dr. nguyen Thanh Long on behalf of MOH - the National Standing Committee for AIDS Control, National Committee for HIV / AIDS Control and Drug and Prostitution suggested that the leaders of departments, branches, and local government at all levels should focus on directing and investing for the HIV / AIDS control program in the city. And he requested the Health department in Hanoi city to increase the provision of services to meet the urgent needs for the access to caring services, support, treatment and HIV prevention for everyone. Models and services for not-easy-to access groups should be designed such as mobile groups, men intercourse, transgender people to ensure that no one is left behind. On this occasion, the Vice Minister called on all classes of people to actively protect and promote their health, participate in epidemic prevention, AIDS control, and drug abuse.


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Mrs. Marie-Odile Emond - Director of UNAIDS in Vietnam delivered her speech at the ceremony

According to Mrs. Marie-Odile Emond - Director of UNAIDS in Vietnam Vietnam has made remarkable progress in HIV control, particularly in the period 2012-2016, Vietnam has prevented nearly half a million new HIV infections and saved nearly 150.000 lives from death caused by AIDS. She stated that more than 20 million people suffered from HIV in the world have had access to treatment. She emphasized that 20 years ago, none of us could think of this and Vietnam is one of the countries has played an important role in fulfilling this task.

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Mr. Le Minh Son - Vice Chairman of Ha Noi People's Committee delivered a speech at the ceremony

According to the report of UNAIDS more than 36.7 million people sufferd from HIV are alive and about 35 million people died of AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic. In Vietnam, according to statistics, more than 200.000 people suffered from HIV are alive and more than 90.000 died of AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic. Hanoi is the place where there is an exchange of foreign countries and provinces. an international exchange place and the provinces so the risk of disease in general and the HIV epidemic in particular is very large and difficult to control in global health security. In addition, Hanoi has a very large number of people doing seasonal jobs, men intercourse, and transgender people.

In response to the National Action Month on HIV / AIDS control, seminars would be organized by Hanoi People's Committee share experiences and effective models such as HIV testing in the community by medical staff; HIV and AIDS care and treatment; the fight against stigma and discrimination;the models in which HIV people become active in HIV / AIDS control and help each other in life. Activities of communication and advocacy would be organized in the national month of action on HIV / AIDS control from 10th November to 10th December 2017.

Some pictures at the ceremony

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