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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:50

       On 24th November 2017 in Hanoi, Prof.Dr. Le Quang Cuong - Deputy Minister of Ministry of Health (MOH) had a courtesy meeting with Mr. Antonio Corona - Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Ministry, the Republic of Cuba. At the meeting, the two sides discussed the issues related to the promotion of health cooperation between the two countries.

Overview of the meeting

At the meeting, Prof.Dr. Le Quang Cuong welcomed Mr. Antonio Corona to Ministry of Health, Vietnam. He highly appreciated the cooperation between Cuba and Vietnam in various fields, especially in the field of health. Deputy Minister Le Quang Cuong stated that Vietnam has currently lacked health workforce at the grassroots levels, as well as the core specialties for lower levels and specialties in nuclear medicine. He hoped that in the coming time with the achievement in health system, Cuba would support Vietnam for the more development of Vietnam health system 

Deputy Antonio Corona expressed his thankfullness for the reception of Vice Minister of MOH Le Quang Cuong and other departments of MOH. He would like to explore some clinics in Vietnam, especially to cooperate with public hospitals in Vietnam. He hoped that with some achievement made in health system, Cuba would support Vietnam for the more development of Vietnam health system.

Deputy Minister Antonio Corona believed that in the coming time, the two Ministries of Health would have closer cooperation especially in the field of health workforce training, experience exchange and technology transfer.

Ministry of Health

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