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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:32

On 24th November 2017 workshop on the draft of population law was organized at the Ministry of Health (MOH) orkshop to get opinions from experts. Attending the workshop there was Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Tien - Vice Minister of MOH, representatives from the National Assembly's Committee for Social Affairs, Office of Government, Office of the National Assembly, relevant Ministries and agencies and experts in population field.

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Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Tien - Vice Minister of MOH chaired the workshop

The Resolution of the Sixth Plenum of the XII Central Committee on the task of population in the new situation shifted the focus of population policy from family planning to population and development. The task of population has to cover aspects including the scale, structure and distribution, especially the quality of population and they are placed in the relationship with the economic, social, defense and security factors for the rapid and sustainable development. The resolution sets out a comprehensive and synchronous solution to the issues of scale, structure, quality, population distribution and they are placed in the interaction of socio-economic development. From the new orientation of population policy, the population law in general and the population ordinance should be amended and supplemented in line with the Party's guidelines and policies. And the population issues are solved comprehensively for the rapid and sustainable development of the country.

The documents proposed to follow the regulations of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents were fulfilled by MOH. The detail draft of the Law on Population with the impact of the policies and resolutions of the Central Committee on the task of population in the new situation is being implemented and amended. And the subject affected by the Law is asked for advice from experts. All will be expected to submit to the government in the first quarter in 2018.

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To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of state management on population, it is essential to have the highest legal framework for comprehensive settlement of population issues, The entire content of the Project of Law on Population, especially the options of regulating the rights and obligations of each couple and individual in implenting state policy of on population is asked for advice from drafters and delegates, experts by MOH.

Ministry of Health

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