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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:47

       Continue NDUN students' tradition of helping people, and sharing difficulties with unfortunate people ; and for the sake of community and society,on 5th May, 2017 Voluntary Blood Donation Day with the slogan  "The blood you give - The hope you share"  was organized at Nam Dinh University of Nursing by the Executive Board of the Youth Union and Students' Association under the direction of NDUN Party Committee and  NDUN Management Board.


       Voluntary blood donation is an annual activity organized by NDUN Youth Union and NDUN Student Association. It always receive the deep concern of the staffs, lecturers, and students. "A drop of blood" does not only save many lives, but also help the less fortunate patients who are in need of sharing and help from the community. All volunteers are enthusiastic, and willingness to share difficulties with the community.

       According to Mr. Pham Van Tung - Secretary of NDUN Youth Union, when stusdents register for the Voluntary blood donation day, they will receive free health consultation, and have boold test. Then they will get the blood test results, gifts and Blood donation certificate from organizers. They also receive one mark for vonlunteer for the title "Students with the five good points". This contributes to possitive life style for students when they are at university.

       Some pictures at the Voluntary blood donation Day:


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