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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:25

       On 14th June 2018, in Hanoi, Department of information technology - Ministry of Health held a commencement ceremony to develop the electronic health record software for the people. Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien, PhD -  Deputy Minister of Health, Assoc. Prof. Tran Quy Tuong - Director of Department of information technology; Assoc. Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, PhD - Director of Medical Services Department, Assoc. Prof. Phan Le Thu Hang, PhD - Deputy Director of Planning and Finance Department and software company pressed the button to develop software for the electronic health record software.

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      The delegates pressed the button to develop the electronic health record software for the people

       Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien, PhD - Deputy Minister of Health confirms that the health record management is very important. It is better if each individual has his own electronic record. This will help manage and care for sick people, and bring benefits to both patients and medical staffs.

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Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien - PhD - Deputy Minister of Health spoke at the ceremony

       Assoc. Prof. Tran Quy Tuong, PhD - Director of Department of information technology said that electronic health records help each person manage their ongoing health information through his whole life. Therefore, they can be active in caring for themselvesWhen going to see the doctors, through their health records, patients provide physicians medical history and examination process in a fastand accurate way. This brings good conditions for the physicians' diagnosis and treatment.

       For the physicians, electronic health records provide them full information about diseases, medical history, risk factors affecting health. Then in combination with current examination, the physicians can have more comprehensive identification, timely and precise diagnosis for early detection and timely treatment when the disease is still in the early stages to bring higher efective treatment and reduce the costs of medical services for each péon. Moreover, the diagnosis and treatment coordination will be better when health information of the patients are clear between the routes.Electronic health records help the physicians have the constant and comprehensive health care for the people according to the principle of family medicine.

       With regard to the management, the development of electronic health records helps the health sector get the full data about the health of the people. For health insurance, when informatiabout the examination of the patients is clear and transparent, the management of costs for medical services within health insurance is more easy to limit the abuse of drugs and tests if available.

       According to the roadmap, from now to December 2018, the contractor will develop the software for electronic health records. From Jan 2019 to June 2019: implement and complete the software for electronic health records in 08 pilot provinces and cities. From July 2019 it will be implemented across the country.

       According to resolution No. 20-NQ/TW on 25th October 2018 isued by the 10th Central Executive Committee about strengthening the tasks of protecting, caring and improving people's health in the new situation, the target and solutions to improve physical and mental health, longevity, Vietnam people's quality of life were pointed out. And the goal should be achieved by the year 2030 including 95% of the population were managed in health and 100% of health stations at commune and ward level follow prevention, management, treatment of some non-infectious diseases.

       To achieve the above objectives, solutions in implementation are mentioned in the resolution including to deploy at the same time a IT system in managing health stations, immunization, disease, health records of the people associated with cards management and medical insurance payment; set the system of electronic health book for each person; update information and health indicators when the people have the medical services.

       Next, to perform the resolution 20-NQ/TW and decision No 2348/QD-TTg on 12th May 2016 issued by the Prime Minister to approve the project of building and developing the network of healthcare at grass root level in the new situation, the action program of the Ministry of Health was issued in the Decision No. 1624/QD-BYT on 6th Mar 2018 to implement the resolution No. 20-NQ/TW. 

       To implement the project of developing the network of healthcare at grass root level, 26 health commune stations in 8 provinces including Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi City, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Ha Tinh, Khanh Hoa, Lam Dong and Long An were selected to participate in the project for the pilot health stations in the communes and wards (2018 - 2020).

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Assoc. Prof. Tran Quy Tuong - Director of Department of information technology delivered his speech at the ceremony

       One of the tasks in the health project at grass root level is to develop electronic health records (EHR) to meet the content in the decision 831/QD-BYT of the Minister of Health on 11th Mar 2017 about issuing the profile form of personal health management for primary health care. EHR ensures that every citizen has a health record from the day they were born to they day they are dead and it is unified to be saved in the national electronic health records system.

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