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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:23

With the desire to enable NDUN students to access information about the labor market in Japan, especially the health care for the elderly in order to to help students have the right orientation and train them with some knowledge and professional skills, on 15th May 2018 Workshop on career orientation and job consultancy in Japan was organized sucessfully at the Hall by NDUN in collaboration with The Homes for the Aged Blind, Japan.

Attending the workshop, on the side of guests there were seven unions for health care of the elderly in Japan, including Dani Hikarinosono Guild, Sejin Guild House Hyakunen No Sato, Koumyem, Guild Dainijiboen Guild, Minami Fukujuen, Murouen, and Fukujuen (Legal person for social welfare). All these unions belong to The Homes for the Aged Blind, Japan. On the side of NDUN there were Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, Vice Head of Board of career orientation - start ups - job consultancy for students, Nguyen Hung Minh, MSc - Head of Student Affairs Office, Ha Thanh Huyen, MSc - Head of Inspection Office, Dr. Mai Thanh Thu - Head of International Cooperation Office; Do Thi Hanh, Specialized Nurse, Grade I - Vice Head of Student Affairs Office; DrLam Van Dong - Vice Head of Student Affairs Office, Pham Van Son, MSc - Vice Secretary of the Youth Union, and a lot of NDUN students.

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector delivered his opening workshop at the workshop

Seven unions for health care of the elderly in Japan

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh Vice welcomed the presence of Japanese Unions and expressed his thankfulness to The Homes for the Aged Blind, Japan and Unions in sharing information, career orientation and job consultancy in Japan for NDUN students. He looked forward to get the coordination, support from the unions.

At the workshop Japanese Union introduced and shared information about their requirements and preferential policy for the candidates and answered all the question of NDUN students.

The workshop brought a fresh new perspective and full of optimism for the nursing profession for which NDUN student is studying. It is believed that with the knowledge and skills provided by NDUN and their relentless efforts, NDUN students would always be enthusiastic, confident and active for job opportunities matched with their training after graduation.

Some pictures at the workshop:

Japanese Union introduced and shared information about their requirements and preferential policy for the candidates

NDUN students asked unions questions related to career in Japan

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