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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:36

       To welcome the 10th National Congress of the delegates of Vietnam Student Association and the 8th Congress of the delegates of NDUN Student Association, to follow the direction of NDUN Party Committee and management board, on 4th May 2018 the voluntary blood donation day was heald at NDUN by executive boards of NDUN Youth Union and Student Association with the aim of prmoting the movement "voluntary students for the sake community" for NDUN students; arousing the solidarity to help thosewho suffering from life-threatening diseases caused by lack of blood; honoring the noble action of magnanimous of voluntary blood donation; and implementing the motto " a drop of blood can save people" raised by Nam Dinh Red Cross.

       In the previous day, heads of Youth branches and Students branches were trained with soft skills were trained and the mobilization of voluntary blood donation was organized. After the training the trainees could be able to have the right attitude and perception about voluntary blood donation; perform activities involving caring for voluntary blood givers; participate in community activities organized by the Youth Union and Student Association; contribute comments and have presentations at public confidently; have the correct communication skills in activities and skills of planning and implementing the proposed plans.

       On 4th May 2018 NDUN students were present at the campus for the blood donation. 289 blood units obtained has shown the sincere solidarity of NDUN students for thosewho are unfortunate and in need of the assistance from the society.

       According to the doctors, regular blood donation will help the body eliminate excess iron and produces new blood beneficial for health. The amount of blood donated will be quickly recreated to serve the process of blood circulation.

       Donating blood does not take much time and effort but it is very necessary for the society. You can save a lot of people who are in need of blood, especially the rare blood group if you donate a portion of your blood.

       Some pictures at the voluntary blood donation day:    

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