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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:28

       Based on the working plan of The Japanese Red Corss Kyushu International College of Nursing and lecturer of Vimec Hospital at Nam Dinh University of Nursing (NDUN), from April 15th to May 15th, two subjects in the curriculum of the third master nursing course were taught by lecturers of The Japanese Red Corss Kyushu International College of Nursing and Vimec Hospital. 

Advance Nursing Practice and Nursing Research

       From 15th to 28th April, 2017 Dr. Yvonne - Vimec Hospital taught Advanced Nursing Practice.

       From 1st to 12th May, 2017 Professor Masaki Moriyama and Professor Mitsue Nakamura from The Japanese Red Corss Kyushu International College of Nursing taught Nursing Research.

       Some pictures at the course:

Dr. Yvonne - Vimec Hospital taught Advanced Nursing Practice


Professor Masaki Moriyama and Professor Mitsue Nakamura from The Japanese Red Corss Kyushu International College of Nursing taught Nursing Research


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