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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:23

       In the framework of cooperation between Nam Dinh University of Nursing and Baylor Unuversity, USA, from 4th to 15th June 2018, Dr. Karen Cotter and Dr. Renee 'Jones taught Evidence-based nursing practice for master students of the 4th nursing course.

       The course is designed to provide an analytic and systematic approach to evaluate evidence-based research used in clinical practice. The course enables the student to develop an evidence-based approach to solving a critical clinical questions through an integrative literature review. The student will analyze evidence based practice guidelines and research translation. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to describe how a researchable clinical question is developed; discuss strategies to assure that evidence is being found from the best possible resource; interpret relevant research findings from qualitative and quantitative data to improve a specific area of nursing practice; incorporate appropriate theories and/or models, which guide the enhancement of student expertise in a specific area of nursing practice; describe process of translating evidence into practice; formulate an evidence-based practice project synthesis from the review of literature to improve patient outcomes based on an identified clinical inquiry or question.

       Teaching and learning methods include lectures, seminars, self-study, and individual assignments.

       The detail content was as follows:

On 4th June 2018:

- Introduction to Course and Class expectations

On 5th June 2018:

- Literature Review Strategies

- Structuring Clinical Evidence (PICOT) question

On 6th June 2018:

- Review PICOT

- Nursing Science Philosophy

- Nursing Theory Development

- Link Nursing Theory to Practice 

- EBP models 

On 7th June 2018:

- Critique of the literature

- Using a matrix to organize data 

- Appraisal of Quantitative Research

- Appraisal of Qualitative Research 

- Using Clinical Practice Guidelines to implement evidence based practice

On 8th June 2018:

- Work on Critique

- Review of Literature

- Review presentation of Review of literature

On 11th June 2018:

- Review previous lectures

- Data Analysis 

- Discuss presentation requirements 

- Synthesize findings/Using a matrix to organize data 

- Ex. EBP project & Research Project 

On 12th June 2018:


- Implementation of Evidence 

- Quality Improvement

- Change of Practice Models 

On 13th June 2018:

- Discuss change practice in Vietnam

- Dissemination

- Practice writing abstracts

- Exam review

On 14th June 2018:

- Presentation of Proposed EBP project

On 15th June 2018:

- Final exam


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