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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:25

       Implementing Directive No.08/ CT-BYT dated 29th July 2019 of the Ministry of Health and Official Letter No. 1182 / MT-YT dated 29th August 2019 of the Department of Environmental Health Management on minimizing plastic waste in Health. On 16th September 2019, Nam Dinh University of Nursing held a signing ceremony of commitment to reduce plastic waste in the activities of the University.

       According to European Commission statistics, an estimated 8.3 billion tons of plastic products have been produced, 6.3 billion tons of plastic becomes garbage and about 5 billion tons accumulated in the environment and are buried. Every year, a total of about 4.8 to 12.7 million tons of plastic waste is discharged into the ocean. Everyday, medical units also generate plastic waste in the health sector from many different sources, including: professional medical activities such as packaging packages, containers, containers of drugs, chemicals, equipment, supplies, materials, medical supplies; medicinal materials, chemicals .... According to the Minister of Health in the online conference on minimizing plastic waste in the health sector on 16th August 2019, the plastic materials used in these activities. It is possible to replace it with safer and more environmentally friendly materials if there is the determination and cooperation of all officials, public servants, employees and health workers as well as the people.


       At the signing ceremony, heads of the Departments, Offices and Centers signed a commitment to reduce plastic waste in NDUN with the following main contents:

       Using household items, tools, supplies, medical equipment, packaging, packaging tools, containing medicines, chemicals made from environmentally friendly or reusable materials in professional medical activities to reduce the generation of plastic waste.

       Limit use of disposable bottles, glasses, bowls, plates, straws and other items made from disposable plastic or plastic at meetings, conferences, seminars, training, training sessions; proceed to replace with items made from environmentally friendly or reusable materials; stop the use of disposable plastic materials and persistent plastic bags in the university.

       The Signing Ceremony was one of the activities to implement Directive No. 08 / CT-BYT dated 29th July 2019 and Official Letter No. 1182 / MT-YT dated 29th August 2019 of the Department of Environmental Health Management and to show determination of NDUN staffs in minimizing plastic waste to build the friendly environment for the community.

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