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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:17

       On 29th June 2018, Nam Dinh University of Nursing held a farewell meeting with four retired staffs in the second quarter of the year 2018: Dang Thi Thuy Hoang, BSc - Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing Department, Clinical Medicine Faculty; Mrs. Tran Thi Nga - Staff of Personnel Office; Tran Thu Thuy, BSc - Lecturer of Medical Adult Nursing Department, Clinical Medicine Faculty; Mrs. Bui Thi Thuy - Staff of Material Facilities Management Office.
Assoc. ProfLe Thanh Tung - NDUN Rector awarded the decisions for retired staffs in the second quarter of the year 2018

       Attending the meeting there were  Assoc. ProfLe Thanh Tung, PhD - NDUN Rector; members of management board and the Party executive board; members of Trade Union and Youth Union; and heads of departments and offices.

Nguyen Thi Hoa, MSc - NDUN Trade Union Standing on behalf of the Trade Union Executive Board presented gifts for retired staffs in the second quarter of the year 2018 

       Speaking at the meeting Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung, PhD - NDUN Rector recalled the retired staffs' working years. And on behalf of NDUN staffs he sent his deep gratitude and acknowledged the contributions both in the strength, intelligence and enthusiasm of the retired staffs to the development of NDUN in the past years. He sincerely wished the retired staffs and their families health and happiness. He hoped that the retired staffs would continue to have their collaboration, dedication, intelligence and enthusiasm to the development of NDUN in the future.

Tran Thu Thuy, BSc - Lecturer of Medical Adult Nursing Department, Clinical Medicine Faculty expressed her feeling after receiving retirement decision

       Speaking at the farewell meeting, retired staffs shared their unspeakable feeling about their work processes at NDUN. And they always put their faith in NDUN leadership and the next generations for the best development of NDUN.

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