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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:46

       Pursuant to the working plan of Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing (JRCKICN) at University nursing Nam Dinh (NDUN), from 30th April to 11th May 2018 Dr. Moriyama Masaki and Dr. Mitsue Nakamura - JRCKICN lecturers taught the sybject "nursing research" in master nursing curriculum for NDUN master students of the 4th nursing course. The content of the course was as includes: types of research and the research questions; design survey questionnaire; survey research and data types; survey process; descriptive data statistics: basic description; literature research; the logic of epidemiology; introduction to Epidemiology: types of research, case control studies, cohort; methods of mapping with the presence of participants; group presentations of quantitative research; submit group assignments on quantitative research; introduction to qualitative research; overview of qualitative research; the research process; outline of research; group assignment of outline: prepare for group presentations, write research outline; hand in research outline, group presentations; feedback to group presentations and research outline; ethical issues and data collection for qualitative research.

Dr. Ngo Huy Hoang - NDUN Vice Rector spoke at the opening ceremony

       The end of the course learners could be able to describe nursing research process, principles and the nature of each step of the research; conceptualize quantitative/qualitative design that links the theories and concepts of nursing, society and behavior and other related theories and concepts to develop a coherent research process; define research questions and conduct literature research to determine the variables; propose research design that matches the gap of knowledge about the phenomenon concerned by learners; in quantitative designs: determine the sample size and sampling procedures for the representative sample and respect to ethical issues in the consent form; in quantitative designs: select the appropriate statistics to analyze the data and interpret the results correctly; understand the differences of the opinion between the quantitative research design and qualitative research design; description qualitative research contributes the development to nursing profession; identify a number of important methods based on philosophy foundation; discuss ethical issues in conducting qualitative research; describes research process and outline; develop descriptive research outline, the foundation of research and clarify the appropriate study design and the participants based on the research questions.

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