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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:32

In the last days of academic year 2017-2018 closing activities for academic year are being implemented at Nam Dinh University of Nursing and plan for the coming academic year 2018 - 2019 is being prepared. A conference on program for the new academic year 2018 - 2019 is organized in Sam Son, Thanh Hoa for a good implementation and fullfilment. To the new school year was successful deployments, completed all the tasks, the school has hosted the Conference program for the academic year 2018-2019 at the Sam son, Thanh Hoa from May 14-16 June 2018 year.

Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung, PhD - NDUN Rector delivered his opening speech at the conference

Attending the conference there were Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung - NDUN Rector; members of management board; members of Trade Union Excutive Board and Youth Union; heads of departments and offices and lecturers in charge of paper work at faculty offices.

Dr. Tran Van Long - Head of Postgraduate Training Office reported on postgraduate training

After the opening speech of Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung - NDUN Rector, the reports on different topics were presented at the conference. Teaching and learning plan for bachelor and master in 2018 - 2019 and a number of solutions proposed by Academic Affairs Office and Postgraduate training Office. Center for Testing and and Education Quality Ensurance reported on valuation of nursing training curriculum at university level and the action plan of external evaluation activities in 2019. Personnel office reported on human resources of NDUN and the impact to the teaching-learning plan in 2018-2019. Reports on policies about training activities and implementation of teaching and learning plan for the new academic year were presented by scientific research management office, finance and accounting office, faculties and departments.

Mr. Tran Viet Tien, MSc - Head of Academic Affairs Office reported on training at university level

The discussion was then chaired by Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung - NDUN Rector. Ideas and sollution for the best implementation of teaching-learning plan in the new academic year  were proposed by members of management board and heads of departments.

In conclusion: Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung - NDUN Rector asked NDUN departments to make plan for each assigned task and implement the teaching-learning plan in the new academic year all together for the highest achievement. 

The conference ended with the high consensus of all participants.

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