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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:26

On 13th June 2018, a meeting between Ministry of Health, Louise Herrington Nursing School - Baylor University, United States and Nam Dinh University of Nursing about cooperation in training Doctor of Nursing Practice was held at  Ministry of Health under the chairmanship of ProfLe Quang Cuong - Deputy Minister of Health. 

ProfLe Quang Cuong - Deputy Minister of Health chaired the meeting

Attending the meeting, on the side of the Ministry of Health there were DrNguyen Minh - Vice Head of Science and Technology and Training Department; Hoang Van Thanh, Specialized Doctor - Vice Head of Health Examination and Treatment Department; Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Tuan Hung - Vice Head of Personnel Department;  and representatives from Science and Technology and Training Department; Health Examination and Treatment Department; Personnel Department; and International Cooperation Department. On the side of Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University, the United States there were ProfShelley Conroy, PhD - Rector; ProfLinda Plank - Vice Rector, in charge of training; and ProfDora Bradley - Vice Rector, in charge of strategy and innovation. On the side of GVI organization there was Mr Vu Manh Tan - Director of GVI Vietnam. On the side of Nam Dinh University of Nursing there were Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung, PhD - Rector; Dr. Ngo Huy Hoang - Vice Rector; leaders and representatives of the post-graduate training office, personnel office, international cooperation office, and nursing-midwifery faculty.  

Delegation of Louise Herrington School of Nursing - Baylor University, United States at the meeting

Opening the meeting, ProfLe Quang Cuong, PhD - Deputy Minister of Health welcomed the presence of the Managing Board of Louise Herrington School of Nursing -Baylor University, the United States. He especially thanked Louise Herrington School of Nursing in particular as well as Baylor University - United States has helped Nam Dinh University of Nursing with nursing training at post-graduate level in Vietnam in the past years.

Overview of the meeting

On behalf of Vietnam Ministry of Health, the Deputy Minister shared the experience of Vietnam in training human resource for medical sector as well as nursing training. The Deputy Minister also stated that in the coming years integration in the region and the world will be the important orientations of Vietnam Ministry of Health in training human resource for medical sector. And it is vital to focus on forming the formation capacity of professional practice, especially the training of medical staffs in charge of treating and caring for patients.

ProfShelley Conroy, PhD - Rector of Louise Herrington School of Nursing - Baylor University, United States introduced briefly her school. It is a highly ranked school in the United States and the world in training in general and nursing training in particular with training curricula of Bachelor Nurse, Master Murse and Doctor of Nursing Practice-DNP. DNP has showed the strength in the United States in promoting the capacity of professional practice at the highest level of the DNP program graduates. They are the leading experts who apply knowledge into real life and findings in scientific research into improvement of health care practices to meet the increasingly higher demands on the quality of health care services. Since 2014, Baylor University has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Nam Dinh University of nursing, Vietnam Ministry of Health with the practical activities such as: academic exchange for the curriculum development; development of the outline for modules; the support in which advanced teaching methods such as simulation-based teaching and capacity-based assessment based are applied; cooperation in scientific research; and the participation in developing and assessing the current Master nursing training curriculum at Nam Dinh University of Nursing, and the offer to send the lecturers teaching a number of modules for the master student nurses of the 4th course.

Prof. Shelley Conroy, PhD also appreciated the efforts of Nam Dinh University of Nursing. NDUN, with the strong support from Vietnam Ministry of Health, has shown the role as one of the top nursing training institution in Vietnam that alway seeks the opportunity and the support for training develop. With achievement got in the cooperation process with NDUN, with the experience gained from participating in training master course of nursing for 4 courses upt o present, and with the experience of a participant envolving in developing high quality standards for International Nursing Association, Prof. TS. Shelley Conroy also suggested that Doctor of Nursing Practice – DNP should be concerned by NDUN besides training PhD nurses who become researchers. This training form has been carried out in the United States today. ProfShelley Conroy, PhD also expressed her willingness to help NDUN and Vietnam Ministry of Health with the appropriate content in nursing training in general and doctoral training in the future.

On behalf of NDUN, Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung - Rector reported the Deputy Minister and other representatives who are in charge of functional departments of Ministry of Health about the innovation process of training, the achievements gained in training and the achievement gained from the cooperation with Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University, United States. In the course of performing duties, the assigned responsibilities, tasks and mission are always defined clearly by NDUN in training high quality health human resources and focusing on nursing. The direction of Ministry of education and training in health sector and the direction of the Deputy Minister of Health in developing the program, updating and renewaling training curricula in the direction of integration that focus on professional practice ability of the graduates are always followed. NDUN has been very successful in training Bachelor Nurses, Specialized Nurses, Grade 1, and Master Nurses. Graduates from NDUN are always appriciated by health institutions about occupational competencies. Training curicula of Specialized Nursing, Grade 1 and Master Nursing have been updated, adjusted in the direction of integration. Their standard outputs fit with higher requirements on the professional practice and conditions for quality assurance to approach countries in the region and on the world. In particular, the training curriculum for the 4th master course of nursing was advised by Louis Herington School of Nursing. Some specialized modules have been taught by professors and doctors of nursing. It can be said that it is internationally updated curriculum and it is equivalent to a master program in nursing in the United States. Master nurses graduated from NDUN have had good performance in important possitions and they are appriciated highly by health institutions.

Aware of the responsibility in training and developing nursing profession in Vietnam, with the current training capacity of NDUN, the support from Ministry of Health, the collaboration from Baylor University, United States, and the success of master nursing training curriculum, NDUN can access, develop, implement doctoral nursing training that is consistent with Vietnam. Human resources in nursing with advanced quality is added, especially the resource of advanced practical nurses that is not popular in Vietnam. NDUN believes that the code of doctoral nursing training will be opened in 2019 with the support from Ministry of Health, and Louis Herington School of Nursing - Baylor University.

Under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister, the parties continued the discussion and mentioned interests in training health resources and nursing such as: the differences in position and role in the health care system; the standard capacity outputs between doctoral nursing training in the direction of research (PhD) (training nursing researchers) and training Doctor of Nursing Practice – DNP (training the leading specialists in nursing practice); and other concerns: the conditions needed for Doctor of Nursing Practice – DNP, lecturers, instructors, environment for practice, social and cultural characteristics of each country... During the discussion, the Deputy Minister of Health stressed the important role of the practical instructors at the hospital and the training need for these teams. The function and mission in professional practice at health institutions in accordance with the different training levels should be delineated clearly. He hoped that these issues should be helped by Baylor University. He also stated that the cooperation in postgraduate nursing training is essential between NDUN and  Louise Herrington School of Nursing - Baylor UniversityUnited States and this should de developed in the future. The Deputy Minister of Health noted that curriculum development should be towards international standards and comply with the regulations of Vietnam.

In conclusion, ProfLe Quang Cuong - Deputy Minister of Health stated clearly that Ministry of Health totally agreed with developing doctoral nursing training curriculum and carry out it in practice based direction on the basis of the reference of Doctor of Nursing Practice – DNP from Louise Herrington School of Nursing - Baylor UniversityUnited States. Ministry of Health agreed the future cooperation between NDUN and Louise Herrington School of Nursing - Baylor UniversityUnited States. He hoped that Baylor University helps NDUN develop standard training curriculum and implement the pilot training succefully in Vietnam.


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