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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:16


        On 25th April 2023, MOH delegation led by Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, PhD - Deputy Minister of Health had a visit to NDUN. 

       At the meeting with MOH delegation, there was Assoc.Prof. Le Thanh Tung, PhD -  Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector; Dr. Ngo Huy Hoang - NDUN Vice Rector; Heads and Deputy Heads of NDUN departments.

       Dr. Truong Tuan Anh summarized general information about NDUN and reports on the results achieved by NDUN in 2022, directions and key tasks in 2023. In 2022, although there are many difficulties, challenges, but NDUN performed well in areas such as: personnel, training management, the quality of education and testing, science and technology, international cooperation, people's health care... Besides the achievements, the Rector also pointed out the difficulties and obstacles NDUN  faced during its operations.       

       Members of MOH delegation responded and clarified NDUN recommendations and proposals as well as suggested directions and solutions in the future. The Deputy Minister of Health assigned the relevant Departments to propose and create conditions to help NDUN complete successfully the planned targets and plans.

       In conclusion, Deputy Minister of Health acknowledged and praised the efforts made by NDUN  in recent years:

       About caring and protecting people's health: NDUN had many activities to support epidemic control in provinces and cities across the country for effective disease control during the epidemic period.

       About human resource training: high training quantity makes an important contribution to improve qualifications to meet the needs of caring and protecting people's health in Vietnam and in the region.

       About training quality accreditation: basically NDUN completed the quality accreditation for nursing and midwifery training at university level and NDUN is in the process of implementing training quality accreditation for other programs.

       About scientific research: NDUN strived to implement international projects, topics at provincial and grassroots levels, international articles, domestic articles, and nursing science journals.

       Deputy Minister of Health requested that NDUN should promote the spirit solidarity and unity to carry out successfully all the assigned tasks. MOH departments were assigned to give support to NDUN.

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