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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 08:23


       On 23rd August 2023, a delegation of National Hospital for Tropical Diseases visited NDUN to to discuss the internship of NDUN students at National Hospital for Tropical Diseases. At the meeting, on the side of NDUN there was Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector; Dr. Ngo Huy Hoang - NDUN Vice Rector; Heads of NDUN departments. On the side of National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, there was Mr. Nguyen Trung Cap - Deputy Director of the Hospital; Mr. Le Van Dung, Deputy Director of the hospital and representatives of hospital departments and divisions.


        At the meeting, the two sides agreed to coordinate in practical training for NDUN students  at National Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

       Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector stated that NDUN has currently focused on developing human resources, enhancing facilities and equipment, developing science in Nursing and Midwifery... To achieve success, the role of practice hospitals is great. And the environment at Central Hospitals is a great learning environment for students to practice. Dr. Truong Tuan Anh also thanked the Board of Directors of National Hospital for Tropical Diseases for paying attention and creating favorable conditions for NDUN students to practice in the past time. Dr. Truong Tuan Anh also hopes that Nam Dinh University of Nursing and National Hospital for Tropical Diseases will cooperate in other fields in the near future.


        On behalf of National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Mr. Nguyen Trung Cap - Deputy Director of the Hospital hopes that the available facilities of National Hospital for Tropical Diseases will help train NDUN students for better clinical knowledge.



         The two sides have come to an agreement on the people in charge of exchanging and arranging the content mentioned at the meeting and functional departments of the two sides are assigned tasks for the next academic year.

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