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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:52


       On 27th April 2023, at Nam Dinh University of Nursing, the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding on cooperation agreement on One Health training and scientific research based on the field took place among VOHUN; NDUN; Nam Dinh Province Center for Disease Control; Nam Dinh Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sub-department; Nam Truc District Medical Center. This aims to create close, long-term, multi-disciplinary links among agencies in the province in the fields of training and scientific research to promote all resources; to improve the quality of training and scientific research towards One Health to serve the socio-economic development of the locality and country.

       Tham dự buổi lễ có TS. Ngô Huy Hoàng – Phó Hiệu trưởng trường ĐH Điều dưỡng Nam Định; TS. Trần Văn Long – Trưởng khoa Y tế công cộng trường ĐH Điều dưỡng Nam Định; Ông Nguyễn Văn Đường - Phó Giám đốc trung tâm CDC Nam Định; Ông Mai Văn Quang - Phó chi cục trưởng chi cục chăn nuôi và thú y Nam Định; Ông Hoàng Ngọc Duy - Chủ tịch xã Nam Toàn; bà Lê Thị Tơ - Trưởng trạm y tế xã Nam Toàn cùng lãnh đạo, giảng viên khoa Y tế công cộng và sinh viên.

       Attending the ceremony there was Dr. Ngo Huy Hoang - NDUN Vice Rector; Dr. Tran Van Long - Dean of NDUN Public Health Faculty; Leaders from Nam Dinh Province Center for Disease Control; Nam Dinh Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sub-department; Nam Truc District Medical Center, lecturers and students of NDUN Public Health Faculty. 

       After approving the content of the minute, the parties agreed to sign a minute of coordinate agreement on One Health training and scientific research for the period 2023-2028 in Nam Dinh province with specific content as follows:

       Developing training program:


        The relevant parties listed in this agreement coordinate to organize and develop training program; training teaching staff; organize short-term field courses; training learners on topics related to One Health.

       Scientific research:


        - Coordinate with relevant parties to organize and deploy field research related to One Health and other research serving community health.

       - Coordinate to organize scientific conferences and seminars to update One Health information into teaching materials; give suggestions in developing policy and carrying out educational communication in the community.

       Developing teaching materials:


        Collaborate to write textbooks, documents, and lectures that are suitable for each content, each region, each subject, and related to One Health.

       Developing documents to guide learners for self-study; Proposing and developing evaluation tools.


       Developing One Health field model:

       The parties coordinate to develop One Health practice model (pilot) at Nam Dinh University of Nursing and in Nam Toan commune, Nam Truc district, Nam Dinh province.


        Coordinate to develop communication materials about One Health, such as posters, flyers, leaflets, clips...


        Coordinate to organize communication activities in the community.

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