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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:51

        PREVINF project is developed to improve the capacity of nursing students at nursing training facilities in Asia related to controlling hospital-acquired infections, as well as managing common antibiotic use through developing the existing nursing curriculum at Partners' universities. Specific goals include evaluating and updating learning goals, curriculum content, teaching and learning methods, and teaching aids. The final outcome from the PREVINF Project is  publising a PrevInf eBook integrating the main results of the project. The PrevInf eBook is a digital book designed for nursing teachers and students to get the most benefits from the PrevInf Model. The PrevInf eBook will be composed of four core areas: 1) Key principles of PrevInf Model; 2) Guide to good practice PrevInf Model in preventing and controlling hospital infections and managing antibiotic use; 3) Innovative pedagogical strategies of PrevInf Model and 4) Simulation scenarios to acquire and/or develop nursing skills in this field. This book will be freely accessible and can be read by anyone interested through the project website and/or through the InovSafeCare community.

       Building PrevInf model - an Asian infection control model is one of the important goals of the project. After the project team completed model building, from April 2022 to April 2023, Asian partner universities in general and Nam Dinh University of Nursing in particular piloted the PrevInf model and simulation scenarios for the first time with 05 rounds, as follows:

       Round 1: Training for 10 lecturers from the Department of Nursing and Midwifery on the PrevInf model and simulation teaching methods.

       Rounds 2, 3, 4, 5: 10 lecturers trained in round 1 guided 04 groups of students (25 students/group) to pilot simulation scenarios: "Hand hygiene in patient care", "Preventing peripheral intravenous line infections", Preventing and treating needlestick injuries in the care of patients with hepatitis", Preventing respiratory tract infections related to sputum aspiration in humans tracheostomy”.

       After each pilot round, NDUN lectuers involving in PrevInf project collected feedback from participants who are lecturers and students for analysis. Then they adjusted the PrevInf model and simulation scenarios in accordance with the cultural and educational environment of Vietnam in particular and of Asia in general. After being adjusted, the PrevInf model and simulation scenarios will be piloted again to evaluate their applicability and feasibility. The second pilot is expected to take place from May 2023 to November 2023.

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