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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:43

       On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs Day, on 27th July, 2023 NDUN delegation led by Mr. Le Thanh Tung –Chairman of NDUN Council; Mr. Truong Tuan Anh – NDUN Rector and representatives of the Trade Union, Youth Union, and Veterans' Association visited and presented gifts to 02 NDUN staffs’ families whose relatives were martyrs including: Mrs. Tran Thi Huong’s family - Faculty of Basic Medicine and Mr.Tran Quang Tuan’s family - Faculty of Clinical Medicine.



       The leaders sent their best regards to the two families and expressed their deep gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions of war invalids and martyrs' families to the struggle to liberate the country. They also hoped that families continue to promote their traditions, make efforts to overcome difficulties to become the prosperous families; the shining example for the younger generations to follow;

       Families also expressed their appreciation for NDUN visit on the meaningful occasion of the date 27th of July and they considered this as a source of encouragement for them to continue the glorious tradition and contribute to the construction and development of the homeland.

       During this time, a lot of grateful activities were held, including: visiting the families as the state policy benificiaries; presenting gifts for NDUN students whose parent was wounded soldiers; families as the state policy benificiaries, war invalids in difficult circumstances in Nam Dinh city; members of the Veterans Association of Nam Dinh province; visiting the martyrs cemetery in Nam Dinh city.


       These are very meaningful activities organized annually by the Executive Committees of Youth Union, Student Union and Trade Union to educate revolutionary traditions; pay attention and respect for those who made merit to the country; arouse national pride, the spirit of patriotism; and raise a sense of responsibility for the youth towards national construction and defense.



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