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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:30


       According to Plan No. 71/KH-CDYT dated 30th December 2022 of Vietnam Health Union on launching Blood Donation Program "White Blouse, Pink Heart" on the occasion of Vietnam Doctors' Day; with the consent of NDUN Party Committee, and management board, on 14th Feb 2023, Blood Donation Program was held at NDUN by NDUN Trade Union and Youth Union in collaboration with the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. 

       During the blood donation day, the doctors worked seriously and enthusiastically guided NDUN staffs and students under the good procedure. In addition, NDUN volunteer team also supported and coordinated actively with the Organizing Committee to complete the assigned tasks. The collected blood units showed their solidarity for the less fortunate patients in need of the society's help.

       Over the years, the propaganda and movement for voluntary blood donation of  NDUN Trade Union and Youth Union have always received the close attention and direction of NDUN Party committee and leaders. Programs, plans, activities and targets are developed at the beginning of the year. So good results are often obtained. Every year, about 2-3 voluntary blood donation campaigns are organized. The number of people participating in blood donation days and the amount of blood received have increased gradually over the years.

       There are not only blood donation days but also "Direct Blood bank" established by NDUN for donating blood urgently to save lives. With the achievements in voluntary blood donation, Nam Dinh University of Nursing was honored to receive thank you letters from all branches and hospitals' Boards of Directors. 

       Participating in blood donation day, the participants will be checked and notified with blood test results. They also receive free health advice, gifts and blood donation cards from the organizing committee.

       According to doctors, donating blood will help the body get rid of excess iron and produce new healthy blood. The amount of donated blood will be quickly regenerated by the body to serve the blood circulation process.

       Donating blood does not take much time and effort but is very necessary for society. With your blood donation, you have saved a lot of people from the risk of losing loved ones, friends and first of all, the lives of patients who are in need of blood, especially rare blood types.

The amount of blood collected through the Voluntary Blood Donation Day at Nam Dinh University of Nursing represented the noble gesture of NDUN staffs and students. This showed the spirit of solidarity, mutual love for the community.

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