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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:43

       On 15th March 2023, NDUN traditional day was solemnly held at Nam Dinh University of Nursing. Attending the ceremony there was Assoc. Dr. Le Thanh Tung – Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh – NDUN Rector; members in the management board; Chairman of NDUN Trade Union; Secretary of NDUN Youth Union; Chairman of NDUN Student Union; Heads and Deputy Heads of Faculties, Divisions, Centers, Hospital, Library and representatives of thosewho are new Masters and Specialized nurses Grade I.

Asoc. Prof. Dr. le Thanh Tung - Chairman of NDUN Council delivered his speech at the ceremony

        On behalf of NDUN Leadership Team, Assoc. Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council gave a commemoration speech to review the tradition of developing Nam Dinh University of Nursing. Assoc. Dr. Le Thanh Tung emphasized that the celebration is an opportunity for all staffs and generations of students to review NDUN’s 63 years of construction and development; affirm NDUN achievements since its establishment up to now; solutions to develop NDUN in the coming years.

      Nam Dinh University of Nursing, formerly known as Nam Dinh Medical School, was established in 1960, then renamed as Nam Ha Medical High School. In 1981, the school was upgraded to Nam Dinh Medical College by the Government. In July 1988, the Ministry of Health issued Decision No. 624/BYT - QD to merge Nam Dinh Medical College with Thai Binh Medical University. In August 1991, the Ministry of Health issued Decision No. 797/BYT - QD to separate Nam Dinh Medical College from Thai Binh Medical University in order to prepare facilities and staff for the establishment of NDUN. This is a big event and an important premise in developing NDUN so far. On 26th February 2004, the Prime Minister issued Decision No.24/2004/QD-TTg to establish Nam Dinh University of Nursing. The ceremony was announced and officially decided on March 16, 2004 and then 16th Mar was chosen as NDUN Traditional Day by MOH. Up to now, after 62 years of construction and development, Nam Dinh University of Nursing is one of the multi-level training centers for human resources of Nursing - Midwifery, Nutrition and Public Health; training teacher nurses for  colleges and medical universities participating in nursing training in Vietnam; and a base for scientific research, application and technology transfer.

       In the joyful and warm atmosphere of the celebration, all staffs, students, and learners looked back NDUN achievements over the years and expressed their confidence in the future of NDUN based on its the leadership team and staffs. 

       At the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung and Dr. Truong Tuan Anh authorized by the Ministry of Health, awarded the campaign medal "For the people's health" to 15 individuals of NDUN for their outstanding achievements in taking care of people's health.

       The ceremony has left many joyful and deep emotions in the hearts of every staff who has been working under the roof of NDUN.

Music performance:

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