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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:36


       Based on the Master Plan of the PrevInf Project 572/KH-ĐDN approved by NDUN Rector on 22nd March 2021, on 15th November 2022, NDUN  welcomed and had a meeting with the partners of PreInf Project under Erasmus+ program funded by the European Commission for the purpose of reporting on the progress of implementing the project's work packages.

Attending the meeting, on NDUN side there was Dr. Truong Tuan Anh – Rector; members in the management board; project teams; International Cooperation Department. On the side of the project partners, there were representatives from Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (ESEnfC), Portugal; Savonia University of Applied Sciences (SAVONIA), Finland; International University (IU), Cambodia; Bolyno Institute (BNI), Cambodia; Hai Duong Medical Technology University (HMTU), Vietnam.

Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector emphasized that the PREVINF (Capacitating Asia’s Nursing Students on Innovative and Sustainable Prevention and Control of Healthcare-associated Infections) project is a project funded by the European Union's Eramus+ Programme that attracts Asian nursing students on preventing and controlling infection in healthcare innovatively and sustainably. The PREVINF project has been developed to enhance the capacity of nursing students at nursing institutions in Asia related to preventing and controlling hospital infections as well as managing common antibiotic use through the development of the existing nursing curriculum of the Partner Universities. Specific objectives include the assessment and update of learning objectives, curriculum content, teaching and learning methods, and teaching aids. When the project ends, a PrevInf eBook that its key results were integrated would be published. It would be a digital book designed for nursing teachers and students to get the most use of the PrevInf Model. The PrevInf eBook would be constituted by four core areas: 1) Key principles of the PrevInf Model; 2) Guidelines for good practice PrevInf Model in preventing and controlling nosocomial infections and managing the use of antibiotic; 3) Innovative pedagogical strategies of the PrevInf Model and 4) Simulation scenarios for acquiring and/or developing nursing skills in the field. This book would be freely accessible to anyone interested in through the project's website and/or through the InovSafeCare community.

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector delivered the opening speech

       Looking at the meeting agenda, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh expected that the participants would be able to gain a lot of information and have a good opportunity to accumulate knowledge for themselves related to preventing and controlling hospital infections as well as managing antibiotic use through the development of the current nursing curriculum in their institutions.
        After the opening ceremony, project members would focus on the following contents:

        Report on Project status;

        Procedures of administrative and financial management;
        Results of data collection through the core group;
        PrevInf model (previous version);
        Introduction of “Evaluation feedback form for teachers piloting simulation scenarios”;
        Summary of the results of the pilot rounds of simulation scenarios (Cycle 1, 2, 3 and 4);
        Results of data analysis collected from core group: nursing students;
        Results of data analysis collected from core group: nursing teachers;
        Practice simulation scenario 1;
        Practice simulation scenario 2;
        Report on equipment procurement;
        Project communication plan;

       After discussions, the project members would come to an agreement and commit to quickly implement the project activities and complete the work on schedule. On 18th November 2022, as the organizer, Nam Dinh University of Nursing would summarize the meeting and award certificates to the project members.

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