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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:43

       On 23rd November 2022 Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung - Former Vice Minister of Health, Former Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Former President of Vietnam General Medical Association had a talk on the topic "Medical ethics in the era of science and technology 4.0" at Nam Dinh University of Nursing.

       Attending the talk show there was  Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung – Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector; members in the management board; and NDUN staffs.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Chairman of NDUN Council delivered his opening speech

       At the opening of the talkshow, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Chairman of NDUN Council emphasized the purpose of the talkshow was to help NDUN staffs understand clearly about medical ethics  in the 4.0 technology era and know how to develop their own methods of cultivating and practicing medical ethics in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the work of groups and individuals throughout NDUN. After the talk show, each staff would be aware of the benefits of cultivating and practicing medical ethics; and voluntarily strive to complete their tasks and plans for the academic year.

       At the talk show, Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung said it was undeniable that the benefits of Science and Technology applied in human life and society. The same goes for the medical profession. However, no matter how much science and technology develop, they have been created and applied by humans. So there have been existence and if we do not master science and technology, there would be consequences left.

Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung at the talk show

       In the world and in Vietnam, the development of science and technology in medical industry has created advantages in treatment and health care for people such as: advances in heart catheterization and unblocking techniques for coronary artery disease have saved many lives from coronary heart disease. This would be unimaginable for 20 to 30 years ago. Or the success of laparoscopic surgery has helped reduce a lot of heavy intervention in patient's body...

       Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung emphasized that in parallel with the development of science and technology, there have been downsides. And the doctors have faced 4 big challenges in the 4.0 era:


       The first challenge is that the physicians must study continuously to have knowledge and skills suitable to the advanced scientific level.

       The second challenge is the reliance on technology and the disregard for the clinical (face-to-face) relationship between physicians and patients.

       The third challenge is the overuse of high technology

       The fourth challenge is that there have been many opportunities to use patient's bodies as the experiment to demonstrate the progress of the new technology.

       With specific evidence, Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung analyzed and advised doctors at present, students who are going to be doctors, nurses and midwives in the future so that they could have an overview and a specific direction, take advantage of the success of science and technology in medicine without neglecting but improve medical ethics. Wherever it is, the higher the technology, the brighter the medical ethics must be. Otherwise, the degradation of medical ethics would be covered and justified by technology.

       It could be said that Prof. Dr. Pham Manh Hung's talk has had great significance in orienting medical staffs on professional ethics, and also reminding doctors, nurses, midwives - thosewho are applying scientific technology in the 4.0 era to maintain medical ethics in all circumstances.

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