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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:38



       Based on the Master Plan of the 4 Steps Project No. 37/KH-ĐDN approved by NDUN Rector on 2nd January 2020, on 21st November 2022, NDUN  welcomed and had a meeting with the partners of 4 Steps Project under the Erasmus+ Program sponsored by the European Commission for the purpose of reporting on the progress of implementing the project's work packages; sharing experiences on teaching methods, postpartum care and newborn care skills.

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector delivered the opening speech

Attending the meeting, on NDUN side there was Dr. Truong Tuan Anh – Rector; members in the management board; project team; lecturers of Nursing-Midwifery Faculty; Center for Pre-clinical Practice; International Cooperation Department. On the side of the project partners, there were representatives from Tampere University of Applied Science (TAMK), Finland; University of Ljubljan (UL), Slovenia; Cambodia University of Health Sciences (UHS); Royal Cambodian Academy of Health Sciences (RCAF); Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP).

Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Rector emphasized that the 4 Steps is a project in the field of capacity building in the field of higher education under the Erasmus+ program sponsored by the European Commission that aims to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases and maternal and neonatal mortality; promote maternal, newborn and national health; develope and modernize the midwifery curriculum by updating and improving the curriculum. By this way the 4 Steps project has contributed significantly to the development of Vietnam's midwifery profession in particular and of the Asia region Asia in general.

The Rector believed that experts from Europe, Cambodia and Vietnam would share experiences and help each other improve midwifery capacity. Looking at the agenda, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh hoped that the participants would be able to gain a lot of information and have a good opportunity to accumulate knowledge for themselves and think about midwifery training at their educational institutions.

After the opening ceremony, the project members will focus on the reports; topic discussions; simulation practice; plan for the coming meetings, including:

       Report on implementing the project's quality management plan;

       Report on implementating the project's communication plan;

       Report on completing the handbook at the partner universities;

       Report on communication plans at the partner universities;

       Topic "Methods to soothe babies who cry too much";

       Topic "Preventing diseases in infants";

       Topic "Behavioral care in infants";

       Topic "Postpartum depression";

       Topic "Psychological counseling for parents who have lost children";

       The topic "Advise parents before discharge";

       Topic "Support pregnant women for breastfeeding";

       Topic "Natural pain relief during and after childbirth";

       Topic "Practise effective care methods during and after birth";

       Topic "Sterile water bubbles";

       Topic "Safe sex after giving birth";

       Topic "Family Planning after giving birth";

       Practise simulation “Caring for newborns with low Apgar”;

       Practise simulation “Handling shoulder dystocia in labor”;

       Practise simulation “Safe sex guidelines”;

       Practise simulation “Breastfeeding guide”;

       Practise simulation "Home care consultation for parents before discharge";

       Plan for the coming meetings.

After discussions at each meeting, the project members would come to an agreement and commit to quickly implement the project activities and complete the work on schedule. On 25th November 2022, as the organization committee of the project's transnational meeting, Nam Dinh University of Nursing would summarize the meeting and award certificates to the participants.

Some pictures at NDUN Center for Pre-clinical practice:

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