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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:49

       On 23rd May 2021, together with voters across the country, more than thousand NDUN voters actively participated in voting congressmen for the 15th course and deputies for People's Council at all levels, the term 2021-2026 at NDUN- the voting point No.8, Vy Xuyen Ward.

       Attending the opening ceremony, on the side of Nam Dinh Police Department, there was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Colonel. Pham Van Long -Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Director of Nam Dinh Police Department, Member of Election Commission of Nam Dinh Province. On the side of Vi Xuyen ward, there was Mr. Tran Nhat Loc - Secretary of the Party Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for Assembly election and People's Council election  at all levels for the term 2021-2026 in Vi Xuyen ward, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Toan - Head of the ward police station, the Party Committee Member of Steering Committee - In charge of voting point No.8. On the side of Nam Dinh University of Nursing, there was Assoc. Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, In charge of NDUN. Members in NDUN Party Committee, NDUN Council, NDUN Management Board, Trade Union, Youth Union, heads of NDUN departments, class advisors and the voters.

       Before the election day, the preparation was strictly implemented by NDUN in accordance with regulations and planned schedule. Along the main paths on campus were banners, parades propaganda about election day. The list of voters and the list of candidates were posted right at the lecture hall for voters to easily observe.

       At the voting point at NDUN, police and medical forces were assigned to ensure security and order as well as epidemic control.

       Due to the complicated situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in the province, the Election Commission of Nam Dinh province has implemented election options to ensure "dual goals": the success for Election Day and the absolute safety for voters.

       From 7:00 a.m., the opening ceremony was held at the voting point No. 8. There was voting rules, ballot box check and seal in the presence of voters. After the opening ceremony, voters cast their ballots. According to the general observation, the election was serious.

       With the spirit of Selecting people who are good both of virtue and talent representing the will, aspirations and mastery of the People to be congressmen of the the 15th course and deputies of People's Councils at all levels for the 2021 - 2026 term. NDUN voters followed the appointed voting time schedule due to Covid-19.

       Voters were advised to strictly follow the 5K message (masks - disinfection - distance - no gethering - medical declarations); body temperature taking, disinfect at voting point according to the instructions of the Election Team in the COVID-19 epidemic control.

       It can be believed that the election at the voting point No. 8 at NDUN was take  place in a democratic, lawful and economical manner. Voters have fully showed their citizenship rights, obligations and responsibilities.

       Through their ballot, NDUN voters in particular and voters of Nam Dinh province in general elected good people both of virtue and talent representing the will, aspirations and mastery of the People to be congressmen of the the 15th course and deputies of People's Councils at all levels for the 2021 - 2026 term. They are going to participate in deciding important issues of the country, as well as of the locality in the term 2021-2026./.

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