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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:40

       In response to the call of MOH about  supporting Bac Giang to control COVID-19 epidemic , on May 27, 2021, a decision of appointing 54 NDUN staffs and students to support Bac Giang province was issued by NDUN.

       On 28th May 2021, a departure ceremony for the delegation supporting Bac Giang province in the fight against COVID-19 was organized at NDUN.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Lê Thanh Tùng – Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council assigned tasks to NDUN delegation

       Attending the ceremony, on the guest side, there was MSc.Dr. Khuong Thanh Vinh – Deputy Director, in charge of Nam Dinh Department of Health; Ms. Truong Thi Thu Ha - Chairman of BIDV Union, Deputy Director of BIDV, Thanh Nam branch; reporters of Nam Dinh Radio and Television Station and Nam Dinh Newspaper. On the side of Nam Dinh University of Nursing, there was Asso.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung – Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, in charge of NDUN, Head of NDUN Steering Committee for Covid-19 Control, members in the Executive Committee of NDUN Party Committee, Standing Trade Union, Youth Union, Student Association, leaders of departments and 54 NDUN staffs and students in the delegation.

       Attending the ceremony, on the guest side, there were MSc.BS. Khuong Thanh Vinh – Deputy Director, in charge of Nam Dinh Department of Health; Ms. Truong Thi Thu Ha - Union President, Deputy Director of BIDV, Thanh Nam branch; reporter of Nam Dinh High School and Nam Dinh Newspaper. On the side of Nam Dinh University of Nursing, there was TTND.PGS.Dr. Le Thanh Tung – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; TTND.Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - Vice Rector, in charge of the school, Head of the School's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control, comrades in the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, Standing Trade Union, Youth Union, Student Union, leaders of units and 54 lecturers and students in the delegation.

       Opening ceremony Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council delivered a speech to assign tasks to the delegation and acknowledge the contributions of NDUN staffs and students who were ready to volunteer to Bac Giang Province for the fight against the epidemic. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung appreciated their efforts to participate in protecting the health of the community besides their teaching and learning tasks. He hoped that with the spirit of staffs and students working and studying in the health sector and professional knowledge, they will be leading force to control the epidemic in Bac Giang in cooperation with local medical staff and other forces.

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, in charge of NDUN called on NDUN staffs and students, donors, sponsors to support NDUN volunteer fund and Covid-19 Control

       At the departure ceremony, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, in charge of NDUN called on NDUN staffs and students, donors, sponsors to support NDUN volunteer fund and Covid-19 Control. Dr. Truong Tuan Anh also asked leaders of NDUN departments, trade unions, and youth unions to help voluntary members' families so that they can focus on Covid-19 control in Bac Giang Province. The detail work is as follows: doing housework, taking care of their family members, and young children.

Nguyen Cong Trinh, MSc – Leader of NDUN volunteer delegation delivered his speech at the departure ceremony

       In his speech, Nguyen Cong Trinh, MSc - Lecturer of NDUN Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, leader of the delegation expressed his determination to fulfill the tasks entrusted to the delegation. He thanked the teams and individuals that have encouraged and supported the voluntary delegation spiritually and materially.

       When they heard the news that NDUN volunteary delegation was on its way to support Bac Giang, many sponsors inside and outside Nam Dinh province gave their material and spiritual support to the delegation so that they can complete the task of epidemic control.


       Before departing to support Bac Giang province to control the COVID-19 epidemic, a training was held at NDUN about skills to control epidemic and support the patients; personal protective equipments to ensure conditions for the deligation's activities were prepared.

       Right after the Departure Ceremony, the delegation moved to Bac Giang province to join hands with the local medical team in COVID-19 epidemic control.



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