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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:36

       Every year on International Children's Day, Nam Dinh University of Nursing organizes programs with special gifts for teenagers and children whose parents are NDUN staffs to congratulate encourage them for their good performance after a hard academic year of training and studying and encourage them to train and study hard well for the better achievements in the coming academic years.   

       However, this year is more special than previous ones when some children whose parents are NDUN staffs have to celebrate International Children's Day without being with their parents. Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, under the call of the Ministry of Health, 10 NDUN staffs volunteered to go to the epidemic area in Bac Giang province on 28th May 2021 to help the province to control disease. In order to promptly encourage morale and make volunteers focus on their task in Bac Giang Province,  on 31st May, 2021, a delegation led by Dr. Truong Tuan Anh – NDUN Vice Rector, in charge of NDUN had a visit to NDUN volunteers' houses to present Chiledren's Day gifts to their children. The members of the delegation are Dr. Tran Van Long – Chairman of NDUN Trade Union; Mrs. Pham Thi Hang – Secretary of NDUN Youth Union; members in NDUN Trade Union Executive Committee and NDUN Youth Union.

       At the families, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh expressed his gratitude to NDUN volunteers' family members who have been encouraging and taking care of NDUN volunteers' children so that they could focus on and complete their assigned tasks. He also asked NDUN Trade Union and Youth Union to actively help and share difficulties with the families during this time.

       Gifts were presented to the children on the occassion of the International Children's Day with the hope that they will train and study well to become Uncle Ho's good students and meet the trust, love and expectations of their grandparents. , parents, teachers and especially worthy of the title Uncle Ho's good nephew.

       The delegation is going to visit other volunteers' familiesthe on the occasion of Vietnam Family Day.

       On 27th May 2021, Professor Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health called on the leaders of 125 universities and colleges of medicine and pharmacy across the countryto support human resources for epidemic control in Bac Giang and Bac Ninh. .

       MOH Minister emphasized that the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic is complicated that requires the medical sector to make every effort to carry out quick and effective epidemic control activities. I suggest that the following items should be trained for staffs and students: vaccination and vaccination safety; sampling and testing; treatment, care prevention of cross-infection. The Ministry of Health will mobilize human resources from universities to support localities in fighting the epidemic, first in Bac Giang and Bac Ninh.

       The above message is conveyed to the Presidents of the University Councils and the Rectors of universities and colleges of medicine across the country. All leaders responded and expressed their willingness to participate in the fight against the epidemic in any locality under the coordination and assignment of the Ministry of Health.

       From the beginning of the fourth epidemic outbreak until now, MOH Department of Science, Technology and Training asked health human resource training institutions nationwide to be ready to mobilize their staffs and students to participate in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

       On 27th May 2021, the Ministry of Health mobilized 375 voluntary people in health sector to support Bac Giang and Bac Ninh provinces: Hanoi Medical University: 120 people; Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy: 104 people; Vietnam Academy of Traditional Medicine: 36 people; Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy: 65 people; Nam Dinh University of Nursing: 50 people. 

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