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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:35

      Training high-quality medical workers in nursing and midwifery is one of the strategic breakthroughs of Nam Dinh University of Nursing. And enrollment, training, job support after training have become important factors and have a close relationship with each other in the development of vocational education. In that component, enrollment is an important factor and the "input" of the training process. Therefore, the enrollment in 2021 and in the previous years, projects and enrollment plans for all levels have been developed actively and early by NDUN. 

Nam Dinh University of Nursing - more than 60 years of construction and development

       Solutions to improve the quality of enrollment are also paid great attention by NDUN from establishing, consolidating and promoting effectively  Enrollment Department/Board to developing flexibly the enrollment plan based on each year, period, and unexpected situation. The planning is always based on the survey on "Supply-Demand" of the labor market and NDUN training capacity. In the plan, the goals, directions, contents, methods and forms of enrollment organization, the ability to mobilize resources, coordination, inspection and supervision to make the plan feasible and achieve maximum efficiency are defined clearly.

        Especially during the very complicated outbreak of the Covid 19 epidemic, NDUN leaders promptly asked the Departments to coordinate in organizing livestream sessions on enrollment on Fanpage https://facebook/DHDieuDuongND and NDUN website https://ndun.edu.vn. They attracted tens of thousands of followers and shares. This brings high efficiency in enrollment.

Enrollment consultation in 2021 through NDUN social network during the Covid -19 outbreak 

       In addition, a variety of enrollment counseling portals such as standing 2 hotlines for undergraduate enrollement (02283643495; 0855636568), Postgraduate (0913241207), direct answer and consultation via email, zalo, facebook, messenger, question-answer section on NDUN website. Questions are answered by NDUN staffs in charge of enrollment not only in week days but also in weekends and out of working time.

       Enrollment notices or plans for undergraduate and graduate levels are published in a variety of mass media such as newspapers, television, website, fanpage and ads sent to educational departments, high schools, medical health institutions such as hospitals, health care centers, and health departments throughout the country.

       In particular, a website portal is opened for learners to register online without going to NDUN. Online revision for postgraduate learners is organized.

      NDUN brand as well as the promotion of the training professions such as creating clips, short reports about NDUN facilities, teaching staffs, library, dormitory, canteen, areas for sports and defense, NDUN hospital, pre-clinical centers...are focused. 

       Above all these solutions to achieve the highest enrollment goal set by NDUN, the quality of the input is put on top. Students or working people who wish to study at NDUN must meet the the enrollment regulations set by MOET, MOH and NDUN.

       Therefore, for the domestic and foreign employers, Nam Dinh University of Nursing always gets the priority in the highest ranking of enrolling man power in nursing, midwifery where medical workers with high quality skills, good moral character, loves for the profession are trained.

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