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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:42


       On March 22, 2021, the commendation ceremony of outstanding young people, excellent secretary of youth union branch, strong youth union branch in 2021 was organized by the Standing Committee of Nam Dinh Youth Union on the occassion of  the 90th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

       Attending the ceremony there was Mr. Le Quoc Chinh, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Mrs. Pham Thi Thu Hang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Party's Propaganda Department, Mr. Trieu Van Thai, Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, leaders of departments in the province.


       At the commendation ceremony, Mr. Trieu Van Thai, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union reviewed the 90-year tradition of construction and maturity of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the achievements of Nam Dinh Youth with the movements that has left the strong marks. Many good learning models, good workers, practical meaningful work has been widely deployed with practical effects. These affirms the position and role of the youth union as the  trustworthy team of the Party.

       Within the framework of the ceremony, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council praised the outstanding achievements and great contributions of the youth union members to the development of economy, politics, culture and social affairs in nam Dinh province. He congratulated the achievement of individuals, teams, good secretaries, and strong youth union branch honored in the commendation ceremony. It is expected that the individuals and teams honoured will continue to develop their capacities, dedicate their youth, to study hard to make their home town and country more and more rich and civilized.

       NDUN Youth Union was honored at the commendation program of Nam Dinh Youth Union: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - Deputy Secretary of NDUN Youth Union was commended as the typical young person; Ms. Vuong Thi Trang - Class 13G, Ms. Kieu Thi Thu Trang - Class 13F, Ms. Dong Thi Quynh - Class 14E were commended as  good secretaries of NDUN Youth Union Branches; Class 13G was commended as the strong trong branch.

       It is believed that individuals and teams commended at the ceremony will be the good examples for NDUN youth  union members and young people to follow. In the process of performing the tasks, NDUN youth union leaders will be the strong driving force to inspire each union member, young person and youth union branch to constantly strive and rise for good values in life.

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