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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:20

       From 14th and 15th November 2020, Career Day in 2020 at Nam Dinh University of Nursing were organized for NDUN students and NDUN youth union members by NDUN in coordination with businesses and recruiters. This helped NDUN students access information about the labor market, especially the health care industry and equip some more knowledge and skills about careers for NDUN students.

       Companies participating in the Career Day 2020 were as follows 06 NDUN sections (Career Board, Start-up Board, Admissions Board, Library, Hospital, Center for Science, Technology and Service, Youth Union) and 07 companies (Edugo Group, LOD Joint Stock Company, Lia Joint Stock Company, IMS Co., Ltd, JVS Group, Youth Career Education Center, Central Obstetrics Hospital).

At the career day, recruitment companies introduced students programs about studying abroad, scholarships, labor export; their requirements and preferential policies  for candidates; answered NDUN students' questions; provided the necessary experience and skills in hunting jobs, writing CV and cover letters, interviewing successfully, intergrate in the culture of businesses.

       Students were not only provided with useful skills for finding effective jobs, integrating in the culture of businesses, getting successful startup experiences but also being interviewed face-to-face with businesses, looking for suitable jobs or intership positions in accordance with their own capabilities and trained expertise.

Career Day 2020 has brought a fresh and optimistic perspective to the nursing profession that NDUN students are studying. It is believed that with the knowledge and y skills equipped by NDUN and their own efforts, NDUN students will always be enthusiastic, confident and proactive in welcoming job opportunities suitable for training majors and have their comprehensive look about the opportunities and challenges on the career path.

Some pictures at Career Day 2020:

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