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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:16

Overview of the training

       In order to help NDUN staffs, lecturers and students understand better the Law on Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement, on 8th December 2020, training and propaganda on intellectual property protection for research results were organized by Department of Science and Technology, Nam Dinh Province in coordination with the Center for research, training and consulting support (Intellectual Property Office), Nam Dinh University of Nursing.

       Attending the training there was Mr. Tran Huy Quang - Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology, Nam Dinh Province; NDUN leaders, staffs, lecturers and more than 200 students.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh - Deputy Director of Center for Research - Training and Consultancy Support (Intellectual Property Office) explained knowledge about IP at the conference

       At the training, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh - Deputy Director of Center for Research - Training and Consultancy Support (Intellectual Property Office) conveyed general topics on intellectual property; the role and meaning of intellectual property in learning and scientific research at universities and research institutes; establishing intellectual property rights for research results; managing and exploiting intellectual property in universities; using invention information for activities of researching, implementing and orientating research for new products; activities of cooperating with enterprises, universities / research institutes in the protecting, exploiting and transfering intellectual property rights. 

       The training brought NDUN staffs, lecturers and students basic knowledge of intellectual property, clear understanding of creating and protecting intellectual property rights for research results. This is the premise to support the process of study, research, and creation in the future./.

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