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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:39


       The Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long wishes that Nam Dinh Nursing University would promote, inherit good traditions, continue to innovate and develop to become a reliable institution, a strong brand in training human resources in nursing profession in the country and region ...

On 15th November 2020, the 60th anniversary of NDUN and the ceremony of receiving the Second Class Independence Medal were held at NDUN. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long, Minister of Health attended the ceremony and he was authorized by the Party and State leaders to award the Second Class Independence Medal to NDUN.

Known as Nam Dinh Medical School established in 1960, at present, Nam Dinh University of Nursing has 5 faculties (Nursing - Midwifery Nursing, Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine, Basic Science, Public Health); 12 functional offices; 03 centers; 01 library; 01 practice hospital; 317 staffs of which lecturers with postgraduate qualifications account for over 50%.

There have been currently 3,440 students and learners at undergraduate and graduate level. NDUN training program is built in the direction of innovation with the focus of forming professional competencies for students to meet the requirements of society and international integration.

From the academic year 2012-2013, NDUN has been allowed to train 6 majors by the Ministry of Health: adult medical nursing, adult surgical nursing, Ob-Gynecological nursing, pediatric nursing, mental health nursing, community nursing. In addition, there are courses for specialized certificates: intensive care nursing, rehabilitation nursing, nursing management, nursing transformation ...

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long said that, in spite of many difficulties, facilities have been gradually improved, quality of lecturers has been improved; advanced techniques have been updated; knowledge training and practical skills training have been connected; training attitudes and service spirit has been focused; the output has been strongly committed to meet the competency standards of a nurse, a midwife in a new situation, proficient not only in skills but also good attitude.

Authorized by the leader of the Party and State, Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long awarded the Second Class Independence Medal to NDUN leaders 

"From NDUN, more than 50,000 health workers have been trained with good expertise and devotion for the patien. Many people have become excellent physicians, managers, and pioneers in the field of caring and protecting the people's health"- Minister Nguyen Thanh Long emphasized.

The Minister also hopes that NDUN will follow good traditions, the achieved successes and continue to innovate and develop to become a reliable institution, a strong brand in training human resources in nursing profession in the country and region.

With the achievements, Minister Nguyen Thanh Long suggested that the tasks of NDUN Council should be implemented well in developing strategies, development orientation; organization; operation plans on enrollment, training, management, investment;

Focus on accelerating the fundamental and comprehensive renovation process of training health workers in the direction of integration according to international standards with high quality of health human resources; implement at the same time many contents such as renewing training programs and materials in order to match the capacity and quality of health workers to meet the need of the people's health care in the new situation; innovate teaching and learning methods in a modern direction; promote positivity, initiative, creativity and the ability to apply knowledge and skills into the real situation; reform the form and method of exams, test; the evaluation of  education and training results for honesty and objectivity.

Scientific research should be promoted esspecially applied science and technology transfer to solve practical problems of the health system and health science. Cooperation and integration should be promoted through international scientific works. New methods and techniques in healthcare and information technology in management and training should be applied.

Focus on educating, improving morality, the spirit of dedication and service to the people for the students to train a generation of medical staffs who are both professional and ethical; promote learning and follow Ho Chi Minh ideology, morality and style; enhance political and ideological education among NDUN staffs and students ...

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