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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:39

       On 15th November 2020, the 60th anniversary of NDUN and the ceremony of receiving the second-class independence medal were solemnly held at NDUN.

The overview of the celebration

       Attending the ceremony, on the side of the Central delegates, there was Professor. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health; Professor. Dr. Tran Van Thuan - Deputy Minister of Health, Professor. Dr. Le Ngoc Trong - Former Deputy Minister of Health; leaders of the Departments under the Offices of the President, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Training. On the side of Nam Dinh province, there was Mr. Tran Le Doai - Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Nam Dinh Province; Mr. Tran Trung Am - Former Chairman of People's Committee of Nam Dinh Province. On the side of agencies, there were leaders of Departments, Branches, Institutes, Hospitals, Associations and Schools inside and outside the country.

       On the side of NDUN, there was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council; Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, Incharge of NDUN; members in NDUN Executive Committee, NDUN management board, NDUN former leaders, gemerations of NDUN lecturers and students.

       There were also reporters of VTV2, O2TV, Nam Dinh Radio and Television and reporters of central and local press agencies.

       Nam Dinh Nursing University was established on the basis of Nam Dinh Medical College, formerly known as Nam Dinh Medical School established in 1960. In 2004, it became a university and this was the first university of nursing in Vietnam according to Decision No. 24/2004 / QD-TTg dated 26th February 2004.

       Over the 60 years of construction and development (1960-2020), under the comprehensive leadership of the Ministry of Health; the valuable assistance of the central ministries, branches and local authorities, the coordination of relevant agencies, Nam Dinh Nursing University has got great and honour achievements. NDUN has grown constantly and developed comprehensively in all aspects, especially training and scientific research in nursing and midwifery. This helps care and protect people's health during the fierce war as well as the period of national construction and defense today.

       Follow that tradition, with its role and position in the renovation period, the vision “Strive to become one of the leading and prestigious institutions inside out side the country in Nursing and Midwifery education" has been identified and the mission "Improve the quality of human resources of Nursing, Midwifery and scientific development of Nursing and Midwifery in Vietnam " has been planned to implement well. 

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, in charge of NDUN delivered the speech

       At the ceremony, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, In charge of NDUN delivered the speech recelled the 60 years of construction and development (1960-2020) of NDUN.

       On the occassion of the 60th anniversary, NDUN was honored to be awarded the Second-Class Independence Medal by the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and NDUN individuals and departments were awarded noble titles of the State. Those are the perfect gifts that generations of NDUN staffs, lecturers, students have been striving for over the past 60 years.


Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health authorized by the President awarded NDUN the Second Class Independence Medal 

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health authorized by the President awarded the Second Class Labor Medal to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council

Prof. Dr. Tran Van Thuan - Deputy Minister of Health authorized by the State President awarded the Third Class Labor Medal to Basic Nursing Department and Training Office

       Speaking at the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health recognized and highly appreciated the great achievements of NDUN over 60 years of construction and development. He also asked NDUN to have solutions to innovate and improve the training quality and develop branches in the future.  

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health delivered the speech at the ceremony


Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Minister of Health presented flowers to NDUN

Mr. Tran Le Doai - Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Nam Dinh Province presented flowers to NDUN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council expressed his thankfulness to the delegates who attended the 60th anniversary of Nam Dinh University of Nursing.

       There have been contributions and support from agencies and individuals inside and outside the country for the present success of NDUN. NDUN Honor Boards were awarded to individuals and institutions to recognize their contributions.

Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector, In charge of NDUN awarded the Honor Boards to individuals and institutions

       After the ceremony, the leaders, guests, and delegates witnessed the opening ceremony - iauguration of the Center for Pre-Clinical Practice.

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