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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:51

       Implement the Decision No. 2246 / QD-BYT dated 29th May 2020 issued by the Minister of Health on assigning tasks to the Departments under the Ministry of Health for the appraize the 5-year development plan of institutions under the Ministry from 2021 - 2025, on 9th September 2020 at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Dr. Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health had a meeting with NDUN leaders about NDUN 5-year development plan from 2021 - 2025.

       Attending the meeting, on the part of the Ministry of Health, there were leaders and experts from Departments of Science, Technology and Training; Financial planning services; Organize staff; Medical Equipment and Works, Legal Affairs; Health Insurance; Medical Examination and Treatment. On the side of Nam Dinh University of Nursing, there was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Secretary of NDUN Party Committee, Chairman of NDUN Council, NDUN Rector, members in management board; heads of NDUN functional departments.

       At the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thanh Tung - Chairman of NDUN Council reported the gradual completion of specific targets in the past five years 2015 - 2020, including:

       - From 2015 to 2020: open the code for nursing training at Master's level (2015), open the code for the doctoral training (2019), deploy the enrollment for new codes in the health sector : Bachelor of Midwifery (2016), Bachelor of Public Health (2017), Bachelor of Nutrition (2018) to meet the shortage of health workers;

       - Gradually arrange NDUN structure and organization of human resources, establish new units: Center for Pre-clinical practice (2015), NDUN hospital (2016);

       - Develop and promote scientific research, strengthen domestic and international cooperation. In 2015, NDUN Special Isue of Nursing Science was published. In 2018, NDUN Journal of Nursing Science was published under License No. 17 / GP- BTTTT dated 12th January 2018 isued by the Ministry of Information and Communications. This is an important step to confirm NDUN position and prestige in the field of nursing training and research;

       - In 2018, the accreditation of NDUN nursing training program quality was certified by the Ministry of Education and Training. In 2019, NDUN self-assessment of the educational institution was carried out. The assessment results of the educational institution were successfully defended before the accreditation Council for approval. A certificate of recognition as a qualified training institution was awarded to NDUN;

       About the development plan for the period 2021-2025, Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector presented general goals and specific goals for NDUN development:

       * General objective:

      Develop NDUN as a multidisciplinary university, a center for training of high-quality health human resources in the Southern Red River Delta region step by step, in which training and research scientific research in Nursing and Midwifery are the key and leading task, and there is training in other professions in health science to meet the needs of caring and improving health for the people according to their needs and development orientation of Vietnam health human resources.

       Develop NDUN Hospital as a general hospital with a scale of 300 beds under the proposed project.

       * Detail goal:

       - Implement autonomy and self-responsibility according to the policy of giving autonomy to autonomous public schools.

       - Manage effectively and develop sustainably resources of facilities, equipment, assets, and finance.

       - Create a creative, friendly and modern environment of working, studying and researching with the enhancement of professional ethics.

      - Standardize strongly staffs for the regional integration in the field of education and training.

       - Change the structure of lecturers, to increase the ratio of doctors and masters, sharply reduce the number of lecturers with bachelor's degrees, increase lecturers with titles of professors and assistant professors; establish a reasonable and harmonious ratio between experienced lecturers and young and potential lecturers.

       - Increase the number, improve the professionalism of managers and experts. Attract and maintain the development of high-quality staffs.

       - Ensure adequate income of staffs to promote their contribution.

       - Train human resources for nursing, midwifery and other high-quality professions in health sectors.

       - Develop nursing training programs in the direction of approaching competency, and promote postgraduate training activities.

     - Improve the quality of training in conection with scientific research and the community serving, to make NDUN a leading training and research center in Vietnam and Southeast Asia in human resources nursing training.

     - Develop and promote research in multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields focus on NDUN strong fields such as Nursing, Midwifery, Public Health.

     - Research products must be applicable to improve training quality, caring and protection for the people's health.

     - Develop a specialized scientific journal managed and published by NDUN. 

- Expand cooperation with universities, institutes, research institutes, medical facilities, governmental and non-governmental organizations inside and outside the country to make changes to NDUN activities of science and technology.

    - Create an open, international, relevant working environment, seek and exploit services to connect, exchange students, lecturers with businesses, and communities inside outside the country to develop NDUN lecturers' expertise and attract students.

    - Participate in advising and criticizing policies; proposing solutions to problems of the province, the health sector and the society.

     - Promote activities connecting the community with humanitarian that are sustained and effectively communicated.

    At the meeting, representatives of MOH Departments discussed and exchanged contents related to NDUN Development Plan for the period 2021-2025.

       Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health, agreed with the content and development plan for the period 2021-2025 of Nam Dinh University of Nursing and asked NDUN to complte the opinions of MOH Departments.

       Deputy Minister Tran Van Thuan suggested NDUN to improve the quality of training associated with the social needs in accordance with NDUN development direction; continue to promote more international cooperation and strengthen scientific research.

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