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Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 12:46

       Implement the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training on organizing a week of civic education for new students in the academic year 2020-2021; implement NDUN plan for a week of civic education, on 28th September 2020, the week of civic education was organized at NDUN for more than 250 full-time university students who passed the entrance examination to NDUN.

       Attending the opening ceremony there was Dr. Truong Tuan Anh - NDUN Vice Rector; Dr. Vu Van Thanh - NDUN Vice Rector; heads of NDUN units; reporters from NDUN units; academic advisors and freshmen.

       Dr.Truong Tuan Anh – NDUN Vice Rector, on behalf of the University, congratulates the new students who were admitted to Nam Dinh University of Nursing and introduces them NDUN goals, mission, educational philosophy, tradition so that they can feel the good things and be proud of the University they chose school. This also motivates them in studying and training for their successful course completion.

       The new students attending the week of civic education were informed about the training regulations and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and NDUN; management, exploitation and use of information on the Internet, social networks and NDUN website; online study and credit registration; regulations and regulations on regimes, policies, training, scholarships, commendation, discipline, tuition fees; regulations on students' affairs, key contents of students' affairs for the academic year 2020-2021, student credit policy, uniform; training in using the library; scientific research among students; regulations on testing and quality assurance; clubs; volunteer activities; career guidance, start-up; maritime sovereignty and Vietnam maritime strategy; seminars on educating Ho Chi Minh's ethics, lifestyle, studying and following his ideology, morality and style; the project "Developing a culture of behavior in schools in the period 2018 - 2025"; soft skills; documents related to school security and safety; measures for COVID control; assessment of foreign language ability; laws relating to students; resolutions and directives of the Party related to the political education and thought of students; activities of arts, physical training and sports; fire protection.

       The week of civic education for the academic year 2020-2021 is carefully prepared for a high educational efficiency. New students focus on thematic topics with discussion and dialogue. There is a report at the end of the civic education. Through this week, new students will have useful contents related to their studying and training at NDUN. Hopefully, with NDUN careful preparation and their own efforts, the new students will get the highest achievement in studying and practice.

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