Thứ tư, 03/07/2024 10:50


The COVID-19 pandemic has set challenges to project work but also given concrete insight into the importance of digital coaching skills for health care workers.

Transnational meeting in Dhaka in April had to be postponed due to the pandemic situation, but the partners held fruitful webinars to present and discuss the ongoing analysis stage of the literature reviews and key concepts as well as the data gathering and dissemination plans.

Many of the team members are under heavy workload due to special arrangements in their institutions and countries in these exceptional times. Higher education institutions are closed, and personnel is finding ways to arrange online learning opportunities. When offices are not an option for daily work, partners are challenged with technical issues like necessary equipment and reliability of often overloaded internet connections. In Vietnam, the partner institution Hanoi Medical University carries great and time-consuming responsibility in the testing process in their city.

Even amidst the challenges, the literature review process is proceeding. The transnational meeting at the beginning of June has also been turned into webinars online, but that will not make less the value of presenting and publishing the results of the reviews, and starting full the next phase of applying this gained knowledge in model development and plans of first pilots. The piloting schedule remains with many uncertainties, as well as the timing of the next transnational meetings. Even if the digital communication channels offer valuable possibilities, meeting face to face with partners and with students is much waited.

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